Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Team Hoyt

We had no internet at the hospital today, just a message from IT saying that they were working on it. And funnily enough, today I actually needed the internet for reasons having to do with a patient. Anyway, got an email from Viv last night, and although being allied health professionals we may be suckers for this kind of thing, I think this is the kind of thing we all need to be reminded of now and then. We get caught up in our own lives, and sometimes lose perspective (aha-aha, I'm sure you're all starting to recognize this as a theme with me, probably because being an OT, I am constantly reminded I've lost perspective again)...please do read the entry below, and then watch the video below that. The subject for this entry will make sense once you've read the article- sorry about the formatting glitches, by the way, I copied and pasted...

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