Thursday, August 10, 2006


Leeanne and her Italian friend were having brunch of sorts when I went down to get something to eat for lunch, and the TV had been left on...

The news was announcing that Heathrow is closed (although looking at the BBC online I think some flights are still going in and out) due to a terrorism plot uncovered by Scotland Yard to smuggle explosives onto 10 different US-bound flights. The plan had evidently been to cause mass murder of an "unpredecented scale" by detonating those explosives mid-flight, with three different airlines targeted. The police here think they've caught all the suspects behind the plan, but apparently at all UK airports there are extra police, and strict security measures, including passengers only being allowed to carry their passports and medicines on board.

Thank goodness Nicole and Rob flew out last weekend.

Events like these really make you stop and be grateful for what you have in life, and especially the people you care about.

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