Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Coffee, and Hope, Grow in Rwanda"


A link from Tress, as she gets ready to head off and work in Rwanda for a year. She's trying to convince us all that it's "relatively safe" after the genocide that happened 15 years ago. The general response is, "yeah, until you get there!" Let's see, she was first in the Cote d'Ivoire for the Peace Corps and had to flee the country with some missionaries when revolution broke out. She was reassigned to Togo, where toward the end of her time there an attempt was made to overthrow the dictator. And during her summer internship in Sri Lanka last summer, a high ranking government official was assasinated. Anyone else notice a pattern here?

Seriously, though, the article is really interesting. Co-ops and fair trade, and all that jazz. Some heartening news out of Rwanda for a change.

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