Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I hate colds

I do have more pics for y'all but you have to wait til tomorrow! I've been busily running around this evening...laundry, packing, cooking, cleaning, forcing myself really since this cold just has me wiped out, but I'll be damned if I'm going to miss my 3-day training course on Assessment of Cognitive and Perceptual Dysfunctions for sick time. So I have to get everything else done these last couple of nights by the time Friday morning rolls around. Should be interesting, carting off two suitcases to Mile End Hospital, and then to Heathrow on the tube during rush hour. Haha, I never seem to do things the easy way. That would be too boring ;)

Since several people have asked, I am hoping to pick up a pay-as-you go Tmobile SIM card. In that case, I'll try to send out an email with the number- come to think of it, a new temporary number may be more of a pain in the butt than it's worth. Well, even if I don't have a mobile, I do promise I'll give each and every one of you a call, someway somehow while I'm in the States. Will do my best anyway.

Right, still have a few things to do before I can allow myself the luxury of sleep, love to all, allison.

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