Thursday, June 29, 2006

How the time does fly

Funny how big things you've been looking forward to for a long time can creep up on's Thursday night, and I'm wondering where the time has gone. It can't possibly be time already for my trip home- but it is! And as usual, I haven't gotten to half the things I wanted to do before leaving.

Second day of the course was pretty good. We tackled praxia today- the two different types of dyspraxia or apraxia are still not completely clear in my head, but I suppose I'd have to be working with patients with those types of problems for that to happen. I got it backwards from a video we watched today, thinking the guy had ideomotor dyspraxia when he actually had ideational dyspraxia. But I think I'm getting closer to understanding it. We went over standardized testing for cognitive and perceptual dysfunctions, which are a bit problematic I think, beginning with the fact that you'd have to work at a facility that had invested in these expensive tests for their therapists' use. What we're learning about assessing patients through clinical observations will most likely prove to be more useful in the long run.

I think my cold is winding down, since I am no longer feeling like I've been run over by a truck. Good news since I'll be playing hard in Vermont within a couple of days now! "Wasted away again in Margaritaville, searching for my lost shaker of salt..."

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