Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ahhh, I can breathe

Well, the opening of the heavens yesterday finally gave us a break today- it was a beautiful, sunny, but mild, even bordering on cool, summer day when I walked home from work today. (Oh, and I am happy to report that on my walk this morning to work, I saw more snails alive than dead, slime-ing their way across the pedestrian footpath.) Should be good sleeping tonight, and I have thrown the windows wide.

World Cup update- well, I won't bore you, since you're either not bothered at all, or like my sister you're glued to the TV every day and already know the news (I must say I am impressed they are carrying all the games in the US, albeit not on the prime channels). Germany pulled it out in front of the home crowd, beating Poland 1-0. England plays tomorrow, America plays on Saturday. Hey Tress, are you backing Togo?

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