Friday, June 23, 2006


We had a woman in this afternoon where the doctor is querying myasthenia gravis. This woman is having difficulty with swallowing, but always in the afternoon. She can eat in the morning, but can't get anything down in the afternoon. So at the day hospital today they did some sort of test using medication to relax the heart, and then gave her a "lumpy lunch" to see if she could eat. Meanwhile, they had brought over the crash cart, in case she went into cardiac arrest as a result of this testing, and 3 consultants, 1 SHO, and 2 nurses were all crowded around watching her. Amazingly enough for what must have felt like being in a fishbowl, this woman was incredibly calm. I think I would have been a nervous wreck to have a medical test done where the crash cart is right next to me on standby and everyone's staring at me!

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