Friday, April 28, 2006

One patient to assess, who as it turns out does not need OT discharge and equipment services, and is not a likely rehab candidate either (I can't do rehab myself at the moment at the day hospital, but can refer to other OT services.) And that was patient for the day. So I took a very last minute appointment for a 20 minute Indian head massage at the hospital. They've now started offering reflexology, half and full massages, and Indian head massage at discounted prices to hospital staff. It was pretty good, though I must say, the part I liked best is still the soft, playing in my hair sort of thing- I've loved that since I was a little girl!

I think I might need to get some dried lavender for our house, it's such a relaxing smell and I think I associate it with spas at this point.

Our Cinco de Mayo party is on for a week from today, with more people coming that I had originally thought. I think we've got 12 people who've said yes so far. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out, because we don't have real tortilla chips or salsa here (trust me, they're just different), although I will make guac from scratch, and make my homemade sangria. We're trying to figure out where we can get a pinata and sombreros, but so far, no luck.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring weather. Love to all. xoxo

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