Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A little rusty...

I've started writing again, for the first time in, well, years I think. Since my trip white-water rafting the Grand Canyon in, what, 2002. (Can you guess I don't have any patients again this morning?) I've got an idea for possibly the start of a book, which is something both my mom and I have thought about doing over the years...if I have time this weekend (my first one at home since the middle of May), I may see if I can get it started. Probably won't go anywhere, but it never hurts to try, eh?

Anyway, before I think too much about it and am too embarrassed to post, here's a work in progress, inspired by the weekend (any such thing as copyright for a blog?!):

Sheep in the valley
Tangle of flowers in my hand
Cool water on my toes
My eyes drinking in the land

I tilt my head to the sun
Wait for relief from the breeze
Listen to the silence between
The humming of the bees

I try to keep my mind empty
Lately it hasn't left me alone
I try to savor just the moment
The here and now, it's all I own

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