Friday, July 21, 2006

Brokeback Britain

Doh! I forgot my wallet at home. Of all the days, it had to be the one where I'm taking off for the weekend. Shouldn't cause me too much trouble though, as I should be able to dash home at lunch, or leave slightly early without anyone being bothered about it.

Nicole and I are going to see a comedy show on Monday, "Brokeback Britain." It's two men, one American, one Australian, who have been living in the UK for 6 years, and have a lot to say about living here as foreigners. The publicity about the show says that the British complain so much about their own country that these two comedians are just trying to fit in ;) Apparently most of the show is taking the mick, but they will talk about the things they like as well. There's a quote from the Australian talking about how much he loves the binge-drinking and casual sex culture..."It's relatively easy to pull here. Particularly if quality isn't an issue." I'm sure I'll have more snippets for you after Monday night-- should be good!!

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