Thursday, July 27, 2006


No, I don't mean I'm taking a bus! I actually mean greyhound, as in the dog. For a truly East End experience, or so I'm told, I'm joining flatmate Nicole and others for a night at the Walthamstow race track!(By the way, my stories at work cause a lot of confusion so from here on out, I'll identify who I'm talking about as flatmate Nicole or Tufts Nicole in case it's not clear on this blog either.) I'm playing a bit of hooky today, having left work an hour early because I literally had nothing to do all day. I was so excited for one patient on Birch ward this afternoon, got up there and was told by the SHO that because she has a UTI, there's no point in any OT intervention yet, I'll have to wait. I can't even begin to explain what an extended period of lack of productivity and opportunity to make a difference does to you. Deflating doesn't even begin to cover it. So anywho, I'm home to have a cold shower, maybe a nap, and head off for the dog races! Let you know all about it later tonight or tomorrow!

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