Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Apologies, I know I've lost most of my reading audience by now, guess I've just been too busy and I'm still struggling with the whole sitting in front of the computer thing-- I do have lots to write about, and I will, just not tonight. I'm exhausted, and am going to bed early. And probably not tomorrow night, because I'm in London in the afternoon for an AMPS update meeting at the National Hospital of Neurology (or quite simply, Queen's Square, to those in the know), and then will pick up my RunLondon 10K tshirt at the Niketown on Oxford St. in time to have dinner and attend at play at the final week of the Globe Theatre season-- A Comedy of Errors. In a note to self sort of spirit, I will be blogging about Halloween, fall in general, hospital fashion, my new rotation, and some of my new patients, by Thursday at the latest. But for a quickie-- I'm very excited about my new placement, and I think there is the potential to learn a lot. Night, night everyone, love to all.

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