Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Safe and sound

Sorry, sorry, forgot to say, we were fortunately not anywhere near the bombings that occurred in Marmaris, Antalya, and Istanbul on any of our day trips. We took the dolmus (very cheap taxi buses) many times into Bodrum at all hours (they run 24/7), and Maja was being very strange about it at first, wanting to take a taxi instead, which was the difference between paying 2 euros for the dolmus and 13 euros for the taxi. So I insisted on the dolmus, and after we were signaled to the side of the road and boarded by police, she finally admitted she'd had a text from her mother, asking if we were alright, there had been a bombing on a dolmus in Marmaris. Maja was afraid I'd "flip out" (don't ask me why) if I knew, so she'd been trying to get me to take a taxi without telling me why. But it was fine. We were pulled over all week, every time we were in a dolmus, and on a day trip to Dalyan, we were actually pulled over three times. Though I'm not sure why they continued to pull buses over, since all the holidayers had no idea they should be carrying ID around, and thus didn't have any to show the police. We didn't know about the other bombings until after our return to Sarajevo...responsibility has been claimed by the Kurds, and evidently Turkey has been trying to cover up this type of activity for several years now. It's really putting a dent in their tourism economy, with people choosing Greece instead.

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