Monday, May 21, 2007

If only it was "just another Manic Monday"

Unfortunately, I spent most of today trying to find ways to entertain myself (and not being all that successful since you can't look like you're having too much fun when you're supposed to be working). Why, you ask? Because I have to keep my assistant busy, so the few bits of work that needed to be done were handed over to her. Leaving me with almost nothing to do. And horrible flashbacks of working at CDH, my first rotation. I spent as long as I dared hanging out with the stroke unit crew, lengthening my half hour lunch into an hour. I made all my follow-up phone calls, finished off the few discharge summaries I had waiting, and would have spent an hour or two doing CPD stuff on the computer, except it was broken, naturally. Last week I found a great source of entertainment in a physio and physio assistant, Surinder and Kalu, who kept me in stitches in the afternoons on the ward, but no such luck this week because they only cover when the regular physio is not on the ward for some reason.

I did have my meeting with the Head OT about next rotation, and we find out the results by Friday. She said it looks pretty good for me to get the acute stroke unit, although of course she cannot yet guarantee anything. The next rotation will start on June 25, just in time for me to be on a course for three days, and then off to Vermont for a week of annual leave.

I was invited to Thailand for September or October, I can't remember which, to coincide with the infamous beach moon party. I know we talked about Thailand and Philippines for next year, Viv, but what do you think? Got any time/money left for another big trip this year? And I was also invited for a cycling tour along the romantic road in Germany, the only problem being the dates conflict with the August bank holiday, which is when we wanted to go to the Reading festival (we're stalking tickets on ebay). Well, that and the fact that I don't have enough annual leave for all of this plus a few other things I absolutely cannot miss, like Jenn's wedding. Five weeks of vacation plus bank holidays just aren't enough!! I know, I know, those of you in the States are thinking "Cry me a river, Allison" but you do get higher salaries as compensation...

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