Thursday, November 23, 2006

Turkey Day

Well, I was going to post a picture of Stonehenge from Carla's visit to meditate on while you all think about blessings and what you're thankful for today, but I'm currently unable to post pictures (what's new).

I have had a brilliant, if very unorthodox, Thanksgiving. Today was the first day of the first module of my Bobath: Normal Movement course. I was fascinated the entire day-- the lecturer is very good, very down-to-earth, very easy to follow. And during the practical sessions, I learned a fair bit about my own body...mainly, that I don't have "normal" posture. When I sit, I have an anterior pelvic tilt, so when asked to sit up straight, I over-exert my hip flexors and fix with my shoulders, which basically means I lean forward. When I stand, again my pelvis is tilted anteriorly, and I fix with my shoulder girdles to maintain my standing balance. Therefore, when the lecturer tried to lift my arm up, my entire body moved with it. When she moved my pelvis into a more posterior tilt, and then lifted my arm up, just my arm moved. There was also some very interesting stuff in supine (lying on my back on a gym bed), where I have a ridiculously extended neck (the top of my head pushes back into the bed, bringing my chin up) among other things...but the really cool thing was, I now have a new party trick!! I know how to "talk" to people's feet, so I can get you to bend your knee and lift your leg with my hand while you are lying on your back. Without any effort on your part. Cool, eh? Believe it or not, this does have practical application in OT, but I'm not going to go into that here-- but I'm very excited about putting this to use with my patients!

So then I came home, popped the turkey breast joint into the oven, and hot-footed it over the gym, where I had a really good workout today! It was one of those days where I just felt great, I could have run forever, did some good stretching, and work with the weights, and was singing all the way home. And I arrived just in time to take out the turkey, help with the veg, and pop open the Asti! We had mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, corn, broccoli, and gravy of course. De-licious! Although this isn't the big celebration-- Saturday is the big big turkey feast and house party, with quite the crowd expected. And tomorrow's a big night on the town...well, what can I say, the holidays are finally here, and 'tis the season to be merry! I think I've got parties and nights out for every weekend from here til Christmas.

But for now, it's time for bed, with Black Friday visions dancing in my head. I am truly envious of those of you who will partake, but I will do a little bit of my own Black Friday shopping online, early tomorrow morning before work. Hey, can't break tradition! And then whoopee, our course finishes at 2:30pm tomorrow afternoon, what on earth will I do with all that extra time?!

My love to all, I miss you all, I hope you are all healthy and happy and with your families and friends today.

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