Thursday, November 23, 2006

I cannot do anywhere near as good of a turkey as my dad can do, and wouldn't know how to post the sound clip on here anyway, so Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I do believe that mostly everyone who passes through here is family or friend, so let me take a small moment of your time to say thanks for being you, and thanks for being a part of my life-- it is that much richer because of you. I am blessed with a warm and loving family (this includes you Heilalas, Burks, and Aveyards) and I am blessed with caring, loyal friends. I think in this life you should count your lucky stars if you manage to find just one true friend...I must have done something right in a past life, because I have several who would do anything for me as they know I would do for them (you know who you are). I would be lost without you, in both good times and hard times. You all are the reason that my life is meaningful. I will be thinking of everyone housemates and I are celebrating with a small turkey dinner tonight as Nicole and I decided we had to do something for the actual day. But the big feast with lots of friends and acquaintances is on Saturday. So I'll be thinking of you all then, too :) From the bottom of my heart, Happy Turkey Day. Love, Allison.

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