Friday, December 15, 2006

Meet the Stroke Team

We had a birthday party for the lovely girl in the middle of this picture. Because of confidentiality, I can't tell you much about her, although I will say she didn't have a stroke. But she needed an intensive inpatient rehab program, and we had a bed, so through a funny twist of circumstances, she came to us on the rehab stroke unit. You'll notice several of the girls are holding purple Quality Street candy boxes...she came with gifts for all of us on her birthday! Her family is absolutely lovely, and her dad took lots of pictures, talking about how important all these memories are for his daughter.
Ok, so this picture is here because I've gotten a lot of compliments lately from people both at work and outside of work on how I look when I leave my hair down. I almost always have it up at work in a ponytail or clip, because it just gets in the way otherwise, and I guess I've gotten so used to it, I tend to twist it up when we go out too...especially if I know we'll be dancing, and I'll be getting all sweaty. But I've got a hair appointment lined up for when I'm home, and I was planning to chop it all off, in the short style that I had for a long time. I've been afraid to go to anyone here, so it's grown long since I saw my hairdresser in NJ at the very beginning of this year. I'm not asking for a vote, since I already know I'd be going against popular opinion here, but I think I'm still leaning toward chopping it off-- it'll grow out again pretty quick anyway. Oh, and I've never put pictures up before, but you can see a little bit of my room in the background...

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