Friday, December 22, 2006

I've got to admit, it is a "White" Christmas here in London

Happy first day of winter everyone...and hurrah, the shortest day of the year is now behind us!

I have now checked in online for my flight tomorrow, and Virgin's web site says their services have not been disrupted by the fog. I looked out the window at one point today, and because of the density of the fog...or something...for a split second I thought it was snowing, a white-out of small flurries, falling fast and furious. Of course, almost instantaneously I realized how ridiculous that would be in London, but boy, was it still a disappointment to come screeching back to reality! (Incidentally, it was hard to take the new movie The Holiday all that seriously, with what looked like a good 3-4 inches of snow on the ground in Surrey. Ah, what I wouldn't give to live in Surrey- my parents had a good life there.) But hey, if there's a stereotype of London weather that people think of, this is it...pea soup fog. And I'm lovin' it for that reason-- especially since my flight is not grounded ;)

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