Monday, December 18, 2006

David Bowie, Goblin King

I was out shopping locally yesterday for a Secret Santa gift for work, and one of the places I checked out was HMV. The way we're doing our Secret Santa, we didn't pick names out of a hat, we're just bringing gifts in, and it will go by number...with the twist that some people like where the person who draws second can choose to keep their gift, or steal the gift from the person who went first, and so on. I wasn't sure what to buy, since I didn't know who I was buying for at our 5 pound limit, so I settled on a DVD of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Jim Carrey version. And as I walked down the aisle, I couldn't believe my eyes, I came across a DVD of the Labyrinth! Also for a fiver. Let me see if I can jog some of your memories...David Bowie? Jim Henson? No? Well, it has always been a favorite movie for me, even though I hadn't seen it in years and years, so I bought myself an early Christmas gift. And it's my little piece of happiness today :)

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