Friday, February 02, 2007

Some "Me" Time

I am off for my yoga and hiking weekend in the Brecon Beacons in Wales, later on this afternoon. I am very much looking forward to it, and it seems like the weather may be in a mood to cooperate. I'm packing my rain jacket just in case though, it will be Wales after all!

I was on the verge of booking the Costa Rica package for me and Viv last night, when I suddenly realized I'm thinking about Peru and Machu Picchu all the time....specifically thinking it will be "Holy Week" while we are there, and although I'm not very religious, I am very spiritual. And I guess I'm thinking the 4-day trek (camping) to Machu Picchu will be more meaningful in that sense. Hmmm.

Back online Sunday or Monday.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious. What is the difference between religious and spiritual?

Allison said...

Hi Aunt Sue,

Good question, and I'm sure this is a distinction I've made in my own head on my own spiritual journey, because I'm sure for others they are the same thing, or so inter-related as to be inseparable. Although I am very grateful for being brought up within the community of a Methodist church, and all the mores and values that were instilled in me as a result, I have not attended church in many years. (Although I may again one day if I have kids of my own, for the reasons I've just named.) And I tend to think of religion as any one of a number of established faiths (Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Rastafarianism, etc), and associate being religious with the regular practice of such faith or attendance to an institution of that faith. I don't believe in God in the traditional sense, and I don't attend church. However, I do believe in harmony and balance on a spiritual level, I do believe in karma in a sense, I do believe in human morality and altruism, and I find a sense of self that is larger than myself and somehow in tune with a collective connectedness in things like my practice of yoga and most definitely in nature. I don't know if that makes any sense...


Anonymous said...

Ok. I see. When you write "religion," you mean either (a)organized religion, or (b)a particular ideology (though that isn't the right word because their are ideological strands within Christianity, for example), so maybe a particular "brand" of religion, though the word "brand" doesn't do it for me.

At any rate, if you go back to the church to raise those children, you should read a book or two by Marcus Borg. Or you might want to do that now!

Love, Aunt Sue