Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"Well, I love a rainy night"

So I'm trying to decide between LiveJournal and Blogger, because I'd like an easy site for friends and family to keep up with me whilst I venture forth on my grand British adventure, but for now I'll keep a copy of all entries here.

I don't think I've written about this anywhere else, so a brief yet scintillating blurb on my party of last Friday while it thunders and storms outside (in the middle of January, go figure).

My birthday/bon voyage bash drew a decent crowd. I cooked every night the whole week I think, and got some rave reviews on the food. People mixed and mingled, and it was a blast, in large part thanks to Meliza and Alvin, who brought along their karaoke machine. Put that together with alcohol, and you get people dancing like idiots and throwing underwear at Steve singing Brown-Eyed Girl...need I say more? I think I slept the rest of the weekend ;)

This week, I have joined a gym- for a month- because I only have a month until my flight on February 19th. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! What a long, long trip it's been. And no, I'm not missing the word strange in there, if anything, it should be "stupid" on the HPCs part. I am still, yes still, waiting for my OT license to practice in the UK, but my application is now back in London and on the manager's desk, so our best guess is it will be ready 3 weeks from now. So I am working for two more, and taking my last two weeks before the flight to organize and pack. Ok, I've done enough b**ching about the HPC...I get to call the manager tomorrow to find out what he's done with my app this time around, and there's only a slim chance of more nasty surprises still hiding in the closet. Wish me luck!

Love to all, Allison.

A couple of pics from the party Posted by Picasa

Drinking their way to courage for karaoke singing! Posted by Picasa

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