Thursday, January 26, 2006


The following is a wish list in progress. Anyone interested in joining me on any of these trips, give a shout out, although serious shout outs only...don't be getting my hopes up if you're all talk, ya hear? I'm talking intention, I'm talking doing the work of planning, I'm talking putting the money aside...

Philippines (obviously with you, Viv)
Capetown (Kristy’s got a bid in for this one)
Australia (Viv’s got a bid in, but first come, first served)
(I hope to get over there before my friend Dan leaves)

Hong Kong
Macchu Picchu (this should actually be at the top of my list)
(to visit Maja!!)
(what a gorgeous country) – Maja, how’s that Cyprian connection? I want to go waterskiing with you in the ocean…Think you can do it after your lessons in Vermont?
Italy – anytime, even for just a weekend, my second home
Ski trips in Austria or Switzerland
Costa Rica

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sign me up for thailand (the few words i learned from the sothiphongs will come in handy!),just imagine the fabulous and cheap jewelry we can buy there- the good food and gorgeous beach will only be secondary. definitely taking you back home with me and get a massage BID!looking forward to the next trip with you (minus the missed flights and crappy-doo motels) - viv