Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ruminations at the turn of a new year

From Jan 1, 2006 (copied from my friendster blog):

It's a brand new year. Funny how numbers can catch you so off guard, and seem so strange, even a little rough around the edges, but in the end boil down to not all that much. 2006 is a good chance to make resolutions I suppose, a time to get started on all those things I say I want to do but don't quite get around to beginning. And then there's my birthday in 19 days, er, 18 now, and to be honest 29 is a bit scary (woooo, almost at the big 3-0), but more in the sense of how quickly time flies these days. Because I'm actually quite happy about where I am in life, starting to feel very comfortable in my own skin, estatic that my 20s are just about over (you couldn't pay me to take that roller coaster ride again!)and 30 doesn't really strike me as old.
Perhaps that has a lot to do with my imminent departure for England. At times I question myself, given that I could move so many incredible places within the US, still working as an OT contracter/traveler, making big money and pay off my rather small student loans within the next two years. Having just returned from a week in Colorado, I've been thinking I might rather like to live there for awhile, after I return from England, since I've already committed to working there for a year. I like this freedom...I do whatever appeals to me, and this move to England has reassured me that I am not about the money. What a relief.

Anywho, I suppose I should start making my New Years calls and emails. My most important resolution for 2006 is to stay in better touch!

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