Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In which I rediscover an old friend...

Peter (Dan) Posted by Picasa

So I checked out my Friendster homepage last night, most likely because I received an email saying one of my friends had added some pictures or something, I don't remember now. And there, staring at me from the column titled somthing like People Who Have Viewed Your Profile, is a picture of a guy who looks really familiar. Like Dan familiar. High school familiar. And I'm staring, thinking, no way, that's just way too wierd. I look at how we're connected, and it's through 4 or 5 intermediary friends (a la six degrees to Kevin Bacon), but I hit the back button to see his photo again and I start smiling. There is no one else it could be, I'd know that face anywhere, such as in Taiwan, which evidently is where he currently is...yup, that's my Peter. (We starred opposite each other in The Diary of Anne Frank in high school, and used to use our character names in emails).

So I figured out how to write him a message through Friendster, and this morning, I had an answer!! It's such an amazing and wonderful thing to re-find your friends....I suppose it's better never to lose them in the first place, but oh so joyous when re-found. I think I will have to plan a trip to Taiwan for end of this year or beginning of next...guess I'd better find out how long he'll be there;)

Check out his and his girlfriend Connie's blog from my links in the sidebar.

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