Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Still down for the count

Not much to update on, since my bad luck seems to have followed me home. I did go into work yesterday morning, and about an hour later, basically got sick in front of my new supervisor. So I was sent home, again. It was truly embarrassing, and I just hope I'm not replaying that moment in my head when I interview next week, since this new supervisor is on the interviewing panel. I was told this morning I couldn't come in today either, since I have to be "clear" for a full 24 hours before returning. Hopefully tomorrow. At least she knows firsthand I wasn't trying to extend my holiday with faked sick days.

I have not been up to getting my pictures online as I've been battling a pounding headache, so I will try to get to that by this weekend at the latest.

Most of you probably already know from emails that have been bouncing around, but Tressa took on her first "real" job as of Monday I believe. They gave her an assignment in the DRC as she calls it, which is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I asked her when I could come to see the gorillas, and she told me I can't because there are currently two kinds and they're both in the mountains (gorillas and guerillas). Figures.

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