Saturday, April 28, 2007

Moving Day

I got the job!! Yup, yesterday was a great day. It was Friday first of all, Leeanne left for her flight home, and I got the job! Today I'm moving my stuff into my "new" room, which is fun, except for the disgusting mess. For someone who flipped out so often about our cleaning schedule, she could have devoted more time to her room. She always kept it neat and tidy, but it desperately needs a vacuum, especially along the sideboards, I'm having to dust out every single drawer and every single surface, and there are wrappers everywhere from her cigarette-rolling supplies, although she was not supposed to be smoking in the house!! Tomorrow our new housemate moves into my old room, a Basic Grade OT. She's mad, but absolutely lovely. We're all going to get along just fine, which I am so looking forward to! The only thing that's messing up a gorgeous Saturday is that I'm missing Jo and James' housewarming party :(

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