Sunday, April 22, 2007


As you'll probably notice, my Peru pictures are now showing up on my Flickr filmstrip in the side bar. Unfortunately, the order got all screwed up in the process of uploading them somehow, and Flickr, for some unfathomable reason, does not seem to want to allow me to rearrange them. So, although a few of them have captions, I gave up when I found out I couldn't reorder them. I've put them on Snapfish, which took more than 4 hours to upload them, and they're now in the right order, just waiting for me to add captions. I will send out a link to those as soon as I've finished. Feel free to check out my Flickr site, but the Snapfish album will be better if you're willing to wait. I hope to have that finished later on tonight. And if somehow I miss you out on my mass emailing, as I always invariably seem to leave out someone, or have my email bounced back with a failed delivery message for one reason or another, just drop me a line to let me know, and I'll get the link to you. I'm also waiting for Viv's set of pictures, because there are quite a number of them that are only on her camera, so I'll add those to my album as soon as I get them.

My short work week was okay-- orthopaedics is slow at the moment, which is not the norm, so I'm trying to enjoy it for now. My interview for Senior II is on Wednesday, and to be honest, I've already stopped thinking of myself as a Basic Grade. Even so, on Friday I was honored to be asked for advice by the other Basic Grade on the unit. It's good to be reminded that although I am still a relatively new therapist, coming up on two years in practice, I also do know quite a bit, and have a good head for clinical reasoning. Hopefully, I'll change over to the Senior II paystub for next month's payday ;)

I've now been invited to the full day for Laura's upcoming wedding. Initially, I was invited for the reception only, but she told me I've become a really good friend, and wants me there for all of it. It was really nice to hear from her and Angelica upon my return that they had missed me. It's heartwarming to know that the people you care about feel the same about you. Action is most important, but every once in awhile, the words are nice too. I had them at home from Jenn and from my parents as well. I feel torn between the two worlds, but this seems to be the right place for me right now. Thursday night, I went out with Laura and Angelica and two others for some impromptu drinks after work. It was beautiful, sunny and warm, and we wanted to be out in the garden of a pub. Drinks turned into dinner, and before we knew it, it was after 10pm. As they say, time flies...

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