Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Birthday Week

I was at one of my quarterly AMPs meetings this afternoon, which means I was at the Institute for Neurology in Queen's Square. This put me within short walking distance of Covent Garden. Some simple addition: It's January. I am the only person I know who has plenty of money left until next payday on the 31st. My birthday is on Friday. And the January sales are yes, this equals Allison went shopping. For as much as I have boasted that I don't shop, I save my money for travel, this month, I broke that rule. Got some great stuff, and boy was it fun :)

Plans are coming together for the weekend. On Friday for the benefit of my co-workers, I decided to stay close by, and chose a pub that's a popular meeting spot for work things. I invited everyone on the stroke unit at the beginning of this week, and the OT team from the day hospital too. This morning I was in the main department for our weekly meeting with the acute stroke unit, and saw a big sign plastered on the door of the main office telling everyone to come out for my bday after work on Friday (thanks to Nicole, the little sneak who emailed someone in that office). So Friday has actually turned into quite the big event. But Saturday is the still the night we will be painting the town red. I've just now made reservations for 14 people for a restaurant/club in Shoreditch. We'll have some drinks at a bar or two in Shoreditch after dinner, during which time about 6 more people will be joining us. And finally around 11:30 or so we'll end up at Ministry of Sound, where at last count 10 more people will be arriving. I have a fabulous new birthday outfit with some new red lipstick too-- I figure this birthday calls for a little drama, don't you?!

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