Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year Notes

Can't believe it's 2008. Last year absolutely flew by. It just seems like there's never enough time to get things done, not to mention do the things I want to do. Got a great start on getting back to work on Monday. This should be prefaced by saying that I went to see "I Am Legend" on Saturday night...although I did not have nightmares per se, I did not sleep much at all on Saturday or Sunday night thanks to my overactive imagination. Every time I closed my eyes, scenes from the movie started replaying in my head. This has an impact on the fact that Monday morning I was 50 yards down the road before I realized I couldn't see anything, and had forgotten to put contacts in. Then I arrived at work a little bit late, having gone back home for the contacts, and discovered I had forgotten a student was starting with me for a 7-week placement. Oops.

Moving on, birthday plans are underway. There's a museum exhibit at the Barbican I've been wanting to go to, will pick a date for next week and get tickets tomorrow. I have already booked tickets for Afrika! Afrika! (has thus far garnered rave reviews on its European tour, and is compared by some to Cirque due Soleil) on Friday the 18th of January-- I got a great 2 for 1 deal with amazing seats in a VIP box right in front of the stage. It will be coming to the US eventually, so if you're interested check this out http://www.afrika.pte-ag.eu/
On the actual day, the 19th, we'll be spending the night at a trendy bar/club in Shoreditch (no lofty plans this year, I learned my lesson well last year that no one has any money left mid-January). Somewhere in there I hope to have a meal at the Cinnamon Club, as that's been on my mind for a while now. And then on the 25th we head to Prague for the weekend (yes, home of garnet jewelry ladies and gentlemen, how appropos), hurrah! As you can see, I have also learned the lesson well of how to make a birthday stretch out as long as possible. (Insert Big Cheeky Grin)

And finally, below you'll find a couple of photos to get started. These are from Christmas week in London. We did a lot of fun stuff, from afternoon tea at the Ritz to The 39 Steps in the West End (opening soon on Broadway, go see it, very funny). Will get some photos up from New Years week in Italy soon, as well as some other stuff I've got saved up. We had a fantastic time in Italy, where I definitely ate and drank like an Italian (yes, it's true they have wine for breakfast, lunch and dinner)-- you can't refuse, it's rude, they all make their own red and white wine, dessert wine, limoncello, grappa, etc What else, oh yes, and I helped to make the sausage and salami. Explanations to come with photos.

To all of you for 2008: Buon Anno, Tanti Auguri!

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