Friday, January 27, 2006

Ode to Ben

I will now shamelessly sing the praises of a faceless man at the HPC, whose British accent makes my knees weak, and helpful service on the phone Wednesday morning has resulted in my credit card being charged $400. Yes, that's a good thing. When I called, I had my Fedex slip in hand, and knew that my application had been delivered on Monday afternoon. I called the front desk to speak with the manager and got his voicemail. I called his department directly and was told he was at lunch but would be back in an hour. I called back two hours later, and got Ben...who told me the manager would be out all afternoon, and he didn't know whether he'd be in tomorrow. But lovely man that he is, asked if he could be of any service. So I name-dropped (saying the manager was taking personal care of my application), and Ben went to go make sure my application was on the manager's desk. He came back and said "No, I'm sorry it's not there...oh wait, there are several things under his desk." And indeed, it turned out my application was under the manager's desk. Need I say more about the efficiency and organization of the HPC? So Ben, wonderful wonderful Ben, told me he would have one of his colleagues re-check my application that afternoon to make sure everything was in order, and then it would be sent on to the assessors. He went on to say it would take 3-4 weeks to have my license in hand. And for once, someone at the HPC was as good as his word, because the assessment fee hit my credit card yesterday. And that is why I am actually saying thank you to Ben with regard to a $400 bill. Oh happy day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison,

Got your email and came to explore. Have never been on a personal blog before. Good luck with your journey.
