Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I love it, another reason to celebrate..."and the beat goes on..." With Presidents' Weekend coming up, the holidays just keep comin....oh wait, we don't get holidays at Roosevelt. Ah, but this Friday is my last day!! I will miss my co-workers terribly, they make me laugh until my stomach hurts every day, but I will not miss Aegis for its horrible employee policies, including no paid holidays.

I have started another blog for OT thoughts and reflections, somewhat sarcastically entitled "She Got Skills!" and it is linked to this one. For all my OT friends, classmates, colleagues if you are so inclined, I would love your input. Don't yet know how often I'll be updating that one, but I'll try to make a few entries this last week I will be practicing in the States, at least for awhile. And then look for that blog to continue as I begin to practice in the UK the week of Feb 20th.

Also, I love all these little gadget add-ons that blogger offers and wanted to give the polls one a spin, so let's see if anyone bothers to vote...I'm feeling like the dots on the background of this blog are a little busy, and have been toying with the idea of changing to a more minimalist background. Specifically, there's a template with just a navy-ish color background, and the sidebar is on the right, which I think is a bit more intuitive. So what do y'all think, do you like the dots, or should I switch to something more simple? There should be a poll with radio buttons for you to click showing up just below...

Addendum: Ok, I obviously need to do some more fooling around with the polls html, so for now, if you have a strong opinion (ie, the dots are giving you a headache) leave me a comment. Otherwise I'll just have to make a decision all by my lonesome...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we can certainly do away with the dots! i feel like if i stare at them too long i will get hypnotized, it will start swaying like a little pendulum and hear a voice saying "your eyes are getting heavy...":P