Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon

Continuing on the karma band wagon, I have also secured a place on the 6-day (spread out in 3 two-day chunks over several months) Bobath essence we will learn about "normal movement" and using the specific Bobath physical rehabilitation techniques/method of normalizing movement with patients who are hemiplegic. So this training is pretty much specific to working with stroke patients. I have to contribute to the cost of the course, given the current state of things in the NHS (at a meeting yesterday we were told that on top of the current £33 million the Trust is currently trying to cut, they have determined they need to come up with an additional £11 million!!), but I don't mind, they are still paying the bulk of the cost for me. I do mind that the first day of the course falls on Thanksgiving, but not so much that the second day falls on Black Friday, since I won't be in the US for it anyway.

While I'm on the topic of the current state of things in the NHS: I get Therapy Weekly magazine, and noticed that in the latest issue, where when I first started there used to be 6-8 pages of adverts at the back for OT posts, this time there was one page with a grand total of 2 adverts on it.

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