Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Budapest was lovely, although freezing cold on Saturday, around -5 or -6 that night. We had an amazing hot and cold breakfast buffet at our hotel every morning, and certainly were not lacking for food at other times. We ate in several old cafes, one being the famous Gerbeaud Confectionary (coffee and cakehouse) that has been around for more than 100 years. It was beautiful with chandeliers and all. We went on a tour of the state opera house, where they were busily finishing the set for Carmen, which was to open that night. It was stunningly gorgeous! The Royal Opera House in London has nothing on Budapest! But then again, it is known as one of the most, if not The most, beautiful opera house in Europe. We explored a labyrinth underneath the castle complex by wandering around in the dark with an oil was quite spooky in places, and lots of fun. We had an unbelievably delicious dinner Saturday night, where we also tasted the Takaji wines that are made in Hungary, and were serenaded with traditional music by a violinist and pianist. And finally, we spent a lot of time in the thermal baths attached to our hotel. Mmmm, talk about your relaxation therapy. Well, except for the plunge pool. There was a 36 and a 38 degree pool, a plunge pool, and a steam room, and then a big indoor heated swimming pool in another room. We also opted for a "medical massage" one of the days...a lot of people come to Budapest for the healing powers of the thermal baths, and therefore other services have grown around it, like doctors and rehab and dentistry and cosmetic surgery, etc.

So this is my last week on the acute stroke unit :-( And unfortunately, I have caught another bad head cold, so I am really struggling to get through it, rather than enjoying it. I don't understand, this is the second winter in a row where I get sick and then better only in time to get sick again. Or sometimes even catch one cold right after another. I guess I'm not used to the strains of germs they have over here, or something!, and am looking forward to the health benefits of moving back to the States end of October/November.

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