Thursday, October 25, 2007

A funny thing happened on the way to Barcelona...

We didn't go. Hahaha. So funny my stomach hurts. Yes, through a series of unfortunate events which I won't detail here, we missed our flight. So there will be pictures and stories forthcoming after we re-schedule and have actually made it to Barcelona.

Meanwhile, we've been steadily dealing with a mouse in the house problem here. With various types of traps we have dispatched of four mice. The letting agent for our landlord has been less than useless, having come over four times now to replenish the rat poison that just seemed to continuously disappear without any effect, as if the mice were eating the poison and laughing at us from behind walls and under appliances. We know we still have at least one left, because Sheena and I heard it in the lounge tonight. Several friends are of the opinion that we should just move out, and don't understand why I just laugh about it, but I suppose if they had lived in Boston, they wouldn't think so much of it either.

It's a week from tonight that I fly home for Jenn's wedding!!! I can't believe it! It doesn't matter how many good friends get married, it remains a surreal experience every time. And as Jenn is one of my best friends, even more so this time. I am so incredibly happy for her and Chris though, and cannot wait to help her celebrate.

Otherwise, I'm trying very hard to line up things for my parents and sister who will be in town for Christmas. Who knew it would be so hard to find a restaurant for Christmas, and figure out what to do with them on Christmas Day and Boxing Day...argggghhhh.

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