Friday, May 18, 2007

What on earth are they teaching these doctors?!

Had a bit of a shock today, regarding differences in medical care. I don't get these shocks all the time anymore, because of what I've learned about the NHS, and the way that medical professionals are trained (or not). We were discussing Mr. R today, and I was saying that from a therapy point of view, he will be ready for discharge on Monday. And the nurse made some comment about the medical team not being on the ball, or something like that, and all of sudden she was in the middle of a verbal spat with the SHO from that medical team who overhead the comment. Among all of his reasons for why the medical team is not happy for him to go, he threw in the comment that they are querying DVT (deep vein thrombosis, basically a blood clot). At which point, I had to interrupt the argument, and said, "Ummm, excuse me, we've been mobilising this patient. We did not realise he may possibly have a DVT, and there is no notation about this in his medical records." And the SHO said, "Oh, yeah, yeah, it's fine, keep mobilising him, he's comfortable mobilising, it's fine." I'm not sure I could have been more surprised if this SHO started belting out show tunes in the middle of the ward. I'm sorry, but I am not mobilising a patient who may have a DVT, until it is determined whether he does, and if he does, he is getting treatment for it!!

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