Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the new job thing

The Senior II, er, Band 6 (as I am supposed to call it) adventure continues... I have been asked by the Basic Grade, er Band 5, OT on Orthopaedics if I would let her shadow me one morning soon, so that she can see how someone with a little more experience organises and prioritises. I was a little taken aback initially, probably because it's only been two weeks since both of us were Band 5's. She claims that she's a bit "scatty" and therefore sometimes feels like she's doing more work than she would be doing if she were better organised. I mentioned this to my parents last night on the phone, and my Dad's response was something along the lines of, "She wants to learn about organisation from YOU??" In my defense (or his defense, take your pick), he's really only familiar with what a mess I am at home, and he'd probably momentarily forgotten all my stories from Roosevelt Care Center in NJ about balancing a daily caseload of 15-16 rehab patients. In one of the ironic juxtapositions of life, I'm generally pretty messy at home, but very organised and efficient at work. Which, if you have to pick one or the other, I suppose is the way I'd want it.

Also, I have signed up for a 3-day Educators' Course at the end of June, right before I take off for my annual Wissahickon holiday in Vermont, because I am expected to take on students very soon. I am supposed to have a student for at least 12 weeks per year as a matter of fact. And I've been asked to give a talk on the difference that is being an OT in the US. There's actually quite a bit to mention. Finally, Friday morning, we all have meetings with the Head OT, and in stark contrast to being a Basic Grade where you don't find out for a whole month, we should know within a week what our next rotations will be.

In a complete change of subject, I've just mentioned Vermont and the lakehouse...there are rumblings of big changes coming this year. Watch this space for news about motorboats and puggles!

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