Saturday, August 26, 2006

Dobar dan

Or hello, in Bosnian. Maja, little workaholic that she is, had to come by the office this evening for some reason, before we take off for Turkey tomorrow, so here I am writing a very brief update. I have already managed to get myself in trouble with the local craftsmen (read- filigree silver jewelry), local food, and local homemade liquor. The liquor in question was served by Maja's stepfather- according to Maja, I was a hit with her mama and stepfather for my appetite, drinking the homemade liquor, and for my good pronunciation of Bosnian words. But she could be making that up for all I know, since I could only understand the little bits spoken in English, and some of the body language. Unfortuately it has been raining quite a bit, but that hasn't stopped us from painting the town red! Actually, at the moment, it has pretty much cleared up, and the late evening sun is making a beautiful old Ottoman building across the street from Maja's office glow a soft gold the way the Radcliffe Camera will in Oxford with low (winter) light. Generally speaking, "old town" Sarajevo is absolutely gorgeous, while "new town" pretty much looks like any other city. And to make the old town even more quaint and authentic, all the craftsmen are located there, traditions which are sadly dying, with less and less young people wanting to continue in the footsteps of their parents.

Anywho, I have discovered that Bodrum is the Turkish answer to Ibiza. While I did know that a number of Arabian princes of one sort or another attended the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts (where Maja got her degree), I wasn't really aware that there really is a pretty big representation of rich eastern European folks at Fletcher, and Maja tells me they all party at Bodrum. Good thing I brought a lot of going out/clubbing gear, and now I have the beautiful jewelry to match ;-) I was lamenting never doing the Ibiza thing some time ago on here, guess I do get to live the life after all!!

Oops, gotta go, we're headed back to Maja's place to get ready for a late dinner and night of dancing in a bar/restaurant that looks out over the top of Sarajevo. Ciao!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Goodbye Summer :(

It's another gray and rainy day in the urban sprawl of London. Looks like it's sunny and about 80 degrees in Sarajevo, cooler this weekend- still sunny but low 70s, and then on Sunday we take off for Turkey and temps in the 90s!!

You know, I need to start asking around whether fall actually happens here...does it just go from summer to rainy and chilly weather, or do they have crisp mornings that open up into warm, sunny fall afternoons?? Do the leaves turn beautiful colors? I have heard that on occasion they have an "Indian Summer" along about October or November, but not often.

Anyway, I'm off to do a last check of things, have some brekkie (breakfast), and head for the tube. Unfortunately, it takes me about 2 hours to get from here to Heathrow, and I want to leave extra time, given all the recent upgradings of security measures. To those of you heading to the lake, have a great time, can't believe the season is over already! Take the motor boat out for a spin for me--I'll be thinking of y'all on Labor Day Weekend. And to the rest of you, talk to you in September! Lots of love, Allison

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

S.A.D. vs Happy

The past couple of weeks have reminded me why it's no surprise that practically the whole country suffers from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It's been the running joke at the hospital now that we're into our, what, third week of gray weather. I've been hearing all kinds of things lately about record numbers of therapists trying to get work in the States because of the sky-high pay and no doubt, better weather (wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them wanted to go to Florida or California or something), and I've also been hearing citizens are leaving the country to live abroad in record numbers...Spain seems to be popular. And to address the needs of UK citizens now that fall and winter are fast approaching, a lot of articles are popping up on how exercise is one of the best ways to battle depression, as well as that one I recently talked about where you should count your blessings every day to help learn happiness.

My little patches of happiness tonight have included: giving myself a pedicure with bright-red polish, watching the next episode of SG1, and managing to corner my sister into a phone call since she is moving to Rwanda while I am gone. Oh yes, and a typically raunchy Don Heilala email that had me laughing my butt off, but which I can't share here. I am also very happy as I anticipate sleeping in a bit tomorrow, having a nice, long hot shower, and generally taking my time about things since my flight is an afternoon flight. And I am estatic about tomorrow being the beginning of my next grand adventure! They have even lifted the restriction against hand baggage just in time for me. Wish I could have had an overnight layover in Prague instead of just a few hours, but what can you do (I'm flying Czech Airlines). And when I'm back, I'll then have Spain to look forward to..."it's a beautiful life, oh-oh-oh-oh, it's a beautiful life!"

PS- Check out the link to the Happy Feet trailer on the right sidebar...happy again!

Team Hoyt

We had no internet at the hospital today, just a message from IT saying that they were working on it. And funnily enough, today I actually needed the internet for reasons having to do with a patient. Anyway, got an email from Viv last night, and although being allied health professionals we may be suckers for this kind of thing, I think this is the kind of thing we all need to be reminded of now and then. We get caught up in our own lives, and sometimes lose perspective (aha-aha, I'm sure you're all starting to recognize this as a theme with me, probably because being an OT, I am constantly reminded I've lost perspective again)...please do read the entry below, and then watch the video below that. The subject for this entry will make sense once you've read the article- sorry about the formatting glitches, by the way, I copied and pasted...

Strongest Dad in the World

[From Sports Illustrated, By Rick Reilly]

I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans. Work nights to pay
for their text messaging. Take them to swimsuit shoots.

But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck.

Eighty-five times he's pushed his disabled son, Rick, 26.2 miles in
marathons. Eight times he's not only pushed him 26.2 miles in a
wheelchair but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy while swimming and
pedaled him 112 miles in a seat on the handlebars--all in the same day.

Dick's also pulled him cross-country skiing, taken him on his back
mountain climbing and once hauled him across the U.S. on a bike. Makes
taking your son bowling look a little lame, right?

And what has Rick done for his father? Not much--except save his life.

This love story began in Winchester, Mass., 43 years ago, when Rick
was strangled by the umbilical cord during birth, leaving him
brain-damaged and unable to control his limbs.

"He'll be a vegetable the rest of his life;" Dick says doctors told
him and his wife, Judy, when Rick was nine months old. "Put him in an

But the Hoyts weren't buying it. They noticed the way Rick's eyes
followed them around the room. When Rick was 11 they took him to the
engineering department at Tufts University and asked if there was
anything to help the boy communicate. "No way," Dick says he was
told. "There's nothing going on in his brain."

"Tell him a joke," Dick countered. They did. Rick laughed. Turns out a
lot was going on in his brain.

Rigged up with a computer that allowed him to control the cursor by
touching a switch with the side of his head, Rick was finally able to
communicate. First words? "Go Bruins!" And after a high school
classmate was paralyzed in an accident and the school organized a
charity run for him, Rick pecked out, "Dad, I want to do that."

Yeah, right. How was Dick, a self-described "porker" who never ran
more than a mile at a time, going to push his son five miles? Still,
he tried. "Then it was me who was handicapped," Dick says. "I was
sore for two weeks."

That day changed Rick's life. "Dad," he typed, "when we were
running, it felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!"

And that sentence changed Dick's life. He became obsessed with giving
Rick that feeling as often as he could. He got into such hard-belly
shape that he and Rick were ready to try the 1979 Boston Marathon.

"No way," Dick was told by a race official. The Hoyts weren't quite a
single runner, and they weren't quite a wheelchair competitor. For a
few years Dick and Rick just joined the massive field and ran anyway,
then they found a way to get into the race officially: In 1983 they
ran another marathon so fast they made the qualifying time for Boston
the following year.

Then somebody said, "Hey, Dick, why not a triathlon?"

How's a guy who never learned to swim and hadn't ridden a bike since
he was six going to haul his 110-pound kid through a triathlon? Still,
Dick tried.

Now they've done 212 triathlons, including four grueling 15-hour
Ironmans in Hawaii. It must be a buzzkill to be a 25-year-old stud
getting passed by an old guy towing a grown man in a dinghy, don't you

Hey, Dick, why not see how you'd do on your own? "No way," he says.
Dick does it purely for "the awesome feeling" he gets seeing Rick
with a cantaloupe smile as they run, swim and ride together.

This year, at ages 65 and 43, Dick and Rick finished their 24th Boston
Marathon, in 5,083rd place out of more than 20,000 starters. Their
best time'? Two hours, 40 minutes in 1992--only 35 minutes off the
world record, which, in case you don't keep track of these things,
happens to be held by a guy who was not pushing another man in a
wheelchair at the time.

"No question about it," Rick types. "My dad is the Father of the

And Dick got something else out of all this too. Two years ago he had
a mild heart attack during a race. Doctors found that one of his
arteries was 95% clogged. "If you hadn't been in such great shape,"
one doctor told him, "you probably would've died 15 years ago."

So, in a way, Dick and Rick saved each other's life.

Rick, who has his own apartment (he gets home care) and works in
Boston, and Dick, retired from the military and living in Holland,
Mass., always find ways to be together. They give speeches around the
country and compete in some backbreaking race every weekend,
including this Father's Day.

That night, Rick will buy his dad dinner, but the thing he really
wants to give him is a gift he can never buy.

"The thing I'd most like," Rick types, "is that my dad sit in the
chair and I push him once."

THE VIDEO IS BELOW: You have to watch it. It's the best part.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Music makes the world go round

Well, I have music in my head all the time, I don't know about the rest of you. Music has always been my passion one way or another. Sometimes I'm not sure whether it's life following art, or art following life, but my soul would be bereft without it. Sorry, waxing poetic, I know.

A new "chill" playlist for y'all as I get ready to head off for some sunshine and as much fun as I can pack in. I wanted to have Jimmy Buffett/Alan Jackson's It's Five O'Clock Somewhere (since that will be my rule, lounging on the beach--Oh cabana boy! Bring me another G&T!) and Kenny Chesney's When the Sun Goes Down for the mix, but I seem to have lost those files when my computer crashed, and will have to replace them when I get back in September. Ah well, I can hear it in my head...When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin', when the sun goes down, we'll be feelin' alright, when the sun sinks down over the water, everything gets hotter when the sun goes down...


I got a package in the mail today from my mom-- it contained a murder mystery set in Hawaii, a picture from the family reunion, and my own wooden nickel which I now realize they had specially made...the nickels say Poppink Family Reunion 2006 on the back. These kinds of things are slowly making my room here seem more mine, somehow. Personal touches. I've been thinking for awhile now that I need to get at least a few of the many photos I have taken printed, and put them in frames for my room.

It is currently 32 degrees Celsius in Bodrum, or approximately 90 degrees Fahrenheit! I've been looking at things to do in/near Bodrum (discos, bars, markets, historical sites, you name it, they've got it), and came across Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish. It was named after the white calcareous castles formed by limestone-rich thermal springs. The springs themselves are around 100 degrees, and I'm sure I'd want to go anyway, but get this--in one of the baths, you can swim over the ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis! I won't get into all the ancient sites listed, but to give you an idea, the valley of the Menderes River has apparently been the cradle of many civilizations. The Lycian rock tombs, carved into cliff walls around 400 BC, look magnificent!

I can almost feel it now

Only one day of work left for me this week! Given the overcast, cool, and generally gray weather we've been having here for the past couple of weeks, I was laughing as I threw four bikinis into my suitcase just now. I just can't wait. And for all my worrywarts, as I said to Carla last night, I've already packed the sunblock, so you can relax. Let's see, I've got cash, bikinis, a towel, sunblock, a camera, and sexy evening ensembles...what else can a girl possibly need for a swanky beach vacation?!

Another Anniversary (mine)

I just had a phone call from my placement agent in the US...she was calling to congratulate me on my 6-month anniversary today. I hadn't really thought about it, other than that when this rotation ends at the end of September, it would be about 7 months. But I started work on February 22, so she's right, today is the day.

And speaking of the end of the rotation, I've had some pretty good news today. The girl who was to definitely get the stroke unit has apparently handed in her resignation. And I'm so envious, because she has resigned to go traveling in Australia with some friends. I had my end of rotation meeting with Barbara (Head OT) today, which was fine (no backlash about my taking a holiday, thank goodness). She took one look at my list which had stroke unit in capital letters in the number one spot, and said, yes, well obviously that's your absolute first choice. And I said, "Yes it is, so I had to put it there even though I know Lizzie will get it" -- which is when she told me on the DL that Lizzie had already turned in her resignation for end of September. However, she went on to say that stroke is a popular rotation, and there is already one other person who has asked for it (I've mentioned this person before, she's not very reliable, but she's been here longer than me), plus other people may ask for it as well who have not yet had their meeting with Barbara. But she said she's pretty sure I'll get a rehab post since most of the acute posts are already filled. Apparently if you've just finished a rehab post, you're theoretically supposed to get an acute one next, in Barbara's "I've got to be fair to all the Basic Grades" scheme. And it's too bad, she said if she'd finished with all the meetings, she would have told me before I left what my next post will be, but she's got the last meeting on Thursday, which is my travel day. That's okay though, I've assigned Nicole to text me with the news. Therefore, I am crossing my fingers and everything else for the next few days that as Barbara works things through, I get the stroke unit...she was very careful to warn me about it being a popular choice though, so I'm only cautiously optimistic.

I do think I managed to convince her of how quiet it is at the Day Hospital, and got her thinking that maybe this should be a split post. For whoever gets the very next rotation here, it will still be full time. But after that, she may have a Basic Grade split their time between the Day Hospital and the main department, as I have been doing anyway. I know Ann and Annette would appreciate that too, since with me around, they quite often don't have enough to do either.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Right, so my one continuing patient from Chestnut ward for whom I was supposed to do a home visit on Wednesday, has been transferred to Wavell ward (the acute stroke unit). Grrr! I can't keep a caseload going to save my life! They're dropping like flies for one reason or another! However, I did tag onto Jodie, and managed to see one patient this afternoon on Blackthorn, as well as screen some others for the OT who is back from holiday tomorrow. I don't know, I think I may as well head to the airport tonight and get my holiday started already, there's nothing for me to do here!! LoL. Which reminds me, someone at Jo's thing on Friday admitted that for the longest time, she didn't realize LOL meant "laugh out loud." She thought it was the head of a little guy with both of his arms up in the air, going "Woooo!" Pretty funny. Anyway, I think I'll set off for home a bit early, since the sun has decided to pop out for a few minutes.

Keeping myself entertained

I was supposed to have two patients at the day hospital this morning, but one didn't show up. And there is apparently nothing for me to do on the acute wards either :(

I'm currently hogging the computer-this is something a lot of the other staff has started to do, with things being so slow around here, so these days you have to be quick to get time at the computer! I've been cleaning out my email and found something I'd marked with a star from Kristy but had never actually opened (weird), and it's a link to some of her pics from our European travels together back in 2004! So here's a pic from the island of Rhodes, where we're looking a little windswept, so it must have been the north side of the island...I got a text from Kristy this weekend who was in NJ for some reason, saw a sign for Freehold, and thought of me. Awww. You'd better get your butt over here for our birthdays this coming winter, missy, so we can capture some more memories together!

Wrong sides

Flatmate Nicole and Dave rolled in late last night after seeing the Stones play at Twickenham (so jealous!). I'd forgotten Dave has screwed up his knee again (evidently it's the same knee he has had surgery on before). So I was bit shocked to see him walk into the kitchen this morning with me in only a tshirt...he had stayed overnight because he's not currently working. I was probably caught a bit off balance both due to my normal morning fog, and because I had moved some furniture around in my room last night and it must not be very feng shui, given how much my new arrangement threw me off this morning. Even though I didn't move the bed itself, I have been walking around this morning feeling like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

But then again, maybe that's not so bad as Nicole. She finally has a working bike to use for her commute back and forth to the children's center. She took off with Dave standing in the front door, and I heard him shout as I picked up my backpack, "You're on the wrong side of the road!!"

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Samara Hotel
This links to the place that will be my home away from home for a week, starting from next Sunday!!!

weekend roundup 2

I think I may hit the sack early tonight, my brain is fried, and my eyes are starting to feel heavy. In a nutshell, Friday for Jo's leaving do was a lot of fun. We started out at a great pub in Highgate Village, where we took over a whole alcove- I love the pub life! I met a lot of "Herefordians" as they called themselves (from Hereford), and a girl who is originally from Leicester-- she was giving Jo advice on things to do-- Jo's new job is apparently in west Leicester. Jo was saying she's nervous about the area, but this girl was trying to convince her it really is a fun place, kind of young and hip I guess. I don't know, I've never been there myself, but thus far, this girl is the first one I've met who has good things to say about it. I told Jo not to worry, any time she wants to get back to London she's got a place to stay for the weekend ;) It sounds like she and James have rented a really sweet house in Rugby, though, so she's got a mix a least, country and city. They drove up yesterday as a matter of fact, bless, after a really late night, so I hope they're happy with their new digs!

Did some more pub-crawling last night, I've got the aching feet to prove it, but no pics from this weekend, sorry. I didn't want to carry a purse, so I had to leave the camera behind. But don't worry, there will be lots of pictures in two weeks or so, when I'm back from Turkey.

Generally speaking, city pubs can be kind of boring in terms of the pubs themselves. If you're in good company, of course you have a good time regardless- but country pubs, or even pubs outside of city center (such as the one in Highgate) are so much more interesting! Lots of nooks and crannies, hidden alcoves, lots of character, uneven flooring, plenty of plush seating, fires (though thankfully it's still not cold enough to need 'em), really nice outdoor seating, and inexplicably cuter and friendlier barmen as a rule. Go figure.

the weekend roundup

I am a happy, happy girl today. One of my all-time favorite TV shows, Stargate SG1, is finally available on iTunes. I was not happy about having to miss a good chunk of Season 9, and now they're already into Season 10. Not that I expect anyone else to sympathize with me, except for maybe my dad...and possibly my mom, since I got her hooked on the show while I was living at home. But it's SciFi, so I wouldn't expect anyone else to understand this obsession. But then again, I don't get the obsession with Big Brother here-- which thank god, is over for now, until whenever the next one begins. I've gotten a bit tired of hearing the nurses gossip about all the contrived twists and turns, such as dividing the housemates into prisoners and wardens (huh?) and putting people back in the house who'd already been ejected by popular vote. Sorry that's totally by the bye, I'm not a fan of reality TV in general. But anyway, I can now catch up on what's happened in season 10 of SG1 (I've watched the first episode today, and I guess I missed some stuff from the end of season 9 unfortunately), and the episodes will be available on iTunes as they air in the States. Woooohoooo!

Let's see, I got an email back from Homerton Hospital Trust, saying that basically I've not been shortlisted- I'll have to call them up to find out why. I'm guessing it has to do with my current job not being at risk, because I was definitely qualified for this post. But apparently the London Trusts in particular are now prioritizing very specifically...first they look at applicants from their own Trust, then London area OTs whose jobs are "at risk" (meaning they will most likely lose their jobs as the Trusts continue to look for ways to balance huge deficits), and then they'll look at other OTs.

I finally saw V for Vendetta. Maybe because I'd heard so much hype about it before seeing it, I wasn't as impressed as I thought I'd be. A very clever, intelligent flick though, and very entertaining. And definitely not predictable! Bit of a Gotham spin on London, though.

It's been a busy weekend, I'm having trouble remembering what all I've done, so I'll probably be back with more later. But for now, I need to make some phone calls, and start my packing I think...only 4 days now till sarajevo!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Another congratulations is in order...

I'm out again tonight for Jo's leaving "do" (part-ay), so while I am thinking of it...Kori and Chris are getting married tomorrow. I wish I could have been there, but I wish the both of you all the very best, a bright future together wherever it may take you throughout the world (Foreign Service one of these days for Chris I've no doubt). Don't forget, you've got a free place to stay in London next time you feel like hopping across the pond! (Kori was in Edinburgh while I was in Oxford, and Chris earned his Master's degree in Scotland, St. Andrews I believe).


So I finally met Maja's Danish friend Mads last night (pronounced like "motts"). He went to college with Maja in Minnesota, and has kept in touch with her via emails now and then over the years. He's a consultant who works on mergers, and apparently normally keeps hours along the lines of 8:30am to 8:30pm...remind me never to be a consultant! No 12 hour days for me, thank you! We met at Oxford Circus, and he showed me a small little area nearby, near Selfridges in fact, that I hadn't even known existed. If you walk through a very narrow little alley, which is the entrance (and I'm sure I've passed it several times before without giving it a second look), you come out into an area that is full of restaurants, with outdoor tables on the pavement, a fountain, benches for sitting, and no streets! (Because we're tucked away with buildings on all sides, and the streets are beyond the buildings.) So we had a delicious dinner and bottle of wine at an outdoor table and didn't have to breathe in petrol fumes, and deal with the noise of traffic. And as it turned out, though it rained pretty heavily during the day yesterday, it was a gorgeous evening, perfect for dining al fresco, and warm enough for me to wear my new halter top too. We talked nonstop about Maja, about Europeans vs Americans' stereotypes of each other, about jobs and families and travel and who knows what else. And he kept our waiter very amused throughout the night by doing things like asking the waiter for a recommendation for an appetizer, and then to make sure the waiter was being sincere, demanded to know if the waiter would feed what he had recommended to his girlfriend. All in all, a really wonderful night.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Too late, my time off was already approved!

6 days until sarajevo, 9 until turkey!! The head OT is back from her two and a half week holiday to Greece, and apparently isn't happy at all that my holiday request was granted, since my supervisor doesn't return from her term time break until Sept 5. But I don't feel guilty about it, I handed my slip in before she left, and if anything I'm grateful she didn't look it over before she left. Poor Annette had gone over to request Mon and Tues off, and said something about needing to have those days because while I'm gone, she can't take any time off, which is what set Barbara off about, well, who approved Allison's request? And good ole Annette told Barbara she didn't think it was fair that my request should not have been approved...OTs are constantly covering for those off on holiday, why should it be different for the day hospital, just because you have to walk two minutes to cross over to the day hospital from the main dept? Apparently Barbara tried to say that because I don't have kids, and with Ann off until Sept, I should not have been allowed a holiday until Ann was back. But as Annette pointed out to her, Ann doesn't have kids either (well, they're both grown up and out of the house). And plus, now that I think about it, I said to Barbara several months ago that I'd be requesting time off in August, and she didn't say, oh no, you can't have a week off then.

Traveling OT or Workhorse?

Good to know that locum (traveling) OTs get used and abused everywhere. Lou and I often used to complain to anyone who would listen at Roosevelt that it wasn't fair, no, it wasn't human to expect 100% productivity from us just because we were contractors. That meant literally no time for paperwork, no time for anything really except seeing patients from the moment we walked in the door to the moment we walked out. Of course, no one really paid much attention since everyone was over-worked and stressed out! In the end, Lou and I did what we had to do regardless, both to stay sane and to be responsible, ethical therapists (if you don't document, you can't cover your own butt, for one thing). Company policies be damned. Hiya, Lou ;)

I'm technically assigned to Jodie for the acute wards in the afternoon, but have also been helping out Tana this week. They're both locum OTs, and they spent the three previous weeks trying to handle their own wards, plus cover for a senior therapist who was on holiday for those three weeks. Well, he's back this week, but the acute care of the elderly dept has been re-structured, and he now only needs to be responsible for one ward instead of two, and he was given the choice of which one he wanted. And he chose the one where there's hardly anything to do, leaving Jodie and Tana swamped on the other one, Chestnut, an extremely busy ward (at least in terms of OT). I'm doing my best to help them out, but can only do so much especially since I'm booked with home visits until I take off on holiday next week, and can't take on any more home visits at this point. Just another example of locum OTs getting the short end of the stick, because they're the hired help. No need to worry about staff retention when it comes to locums, I guess.


Happy Anniversary to Carla and Brian! I can hardly believe it's already been four years since Steve and I toasted/roasted you at your wedding!!--Which makes it what, 12 total you guys have been together?! I kow-tow before you ;) Love you both! And I miss how often we used to get together and just take the piss out of each other...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

La Musica

Hahaha, I'm not sure I could have come up with a more eclectic mix of three songs to start with, but I am well pleased I've finally figured out how to get a flash player on here. No complaints please, just shut the player off if you can't stand my taste in music! I figure I'll fool around with it maybe once a week or so, hopefully meaning you won't get bored with what you hear when you visit me here, and also hopefully meaning I won't always be playing stuff that y'all can't stand! Dare I hope for a computer chair boogie every now and then from some of you?


Cool! Blogger is now run by Google, with some nifty new features! I'll have to take some time one of these days to look through and learn some of them.

In the meantime, Viv, get your butt over here! Wicked is about to open in September-- it's not sold out, leaving us relegated to trying to get lottery tickets!! Along with my horrible luck with getting my registration through the HPC, Viv and I repeatedly tried to get lottery tickets (you stand in line on the day for a shot at $25 front row seats) to this show, since it's sold out for what seems like forever on Broadway. Not sure I'll find anyone else over here to pay the 45 quid to go with me, so keep your eyes open for cheap last minute weekend trips to London this fall, girl! Found this video trailer (can I say that about a musical as opposed to a movie??) online to promote the show as it opens in the West End...

I have got to go!

"The BBC Electric Proms are wired for the most exciting sounds of the year, from frontrunners of Britpop and forefathers of punk through to definitive modern music phenomena, and back again - spliced together over a series of unrepeatable performances at London's legendary Roundhouse." Proms, meaning a multi-media music event, this one taking place in late October over a series of nights. Specifically, I'd love to see The Who perform.

Dave and Nicole have been looking and will most likely be getting tickets from ebay to see the Rolling Stones this weekend, but I can't afford it at the moment with Sarajevo and Turkey coming up next week. I feel like I need to see these living legends because though it seems like they'll tour forever, you never know...

It's a funny old world

How unbelievably coincidental last night, I'd just finished posting about that article on happiness and Nicole starting messaging me to tell me they were back, and oh yeah, by the way, also engaged! It was really funny, actually, Tufts Nicole had started to message me when flatmate Nicole walked into the room wanting to borrow my Muppets dvds because Dave has injured his knees and she wanted to bring the dvds to him today (she has the day off)...I looked back at the computer screen to tell Tufts Nicole to give me a minute when I saw she'd been typing away like mad while I was talking to flatmate Nicole, and my eyes picked up the word "engaged" in capital letters. Needless to say, it ended up being flatmate Nicole I told to give me a couple of minutes.

On a different note (can't ever write that without thinking of my a cappella group because that was our name, think I'll dig out our CD tonight), I just have to say I love ebay. For whatever reason (I have no luck with computers), my laptop battery completely died when I'd only owned the silly thing for about a year. I found a replacement original Dell battery on ebay on Monday night, it was sent Royal Mail first class yesterday, and arrived first thing this morning before I left for work. I left it charging away...oh, and no, it's not one of the 4 million Dell batteries being recalled, my laptop will not be bursting into flame, thanks very much.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Breaking News

Nicole Levesque and her boyfriend Rob got engaged on their holiday this past week (they were in Boston and Maine)!!! Congratulations you guys, I'm over the moon for you! Looks like they'll be heading back Stateside in February for good, with a spring wedding in the works...


Say it ain't so...they've just announced on the weather portion of a news program that summer is indeed over, and we aren't going to get that final heat wave that everyone has been predicting :( But I'm off to Turkey weekend after this one anyway, hee hee, so summer's not over for me!

Anyway, I've read this really interesting article on how happiness can be learned. Some recent studies in the US by psychologists have confirmed what I've definitely heard before. We all tend to associate success in life with monetary gain, whereas apparently we should be measuring a successful life in terms of being able to be cheerful. (Hmm, how many wealthy and/or famous personalities are what you would call happy? I don't know about you all, but fascination with celebrities aside, the people I actually look up to are everyday people I've run across in everyday life or have known for most of my life.) The trouble being, according to this article, some of us set our happiness goals too high, based on family and friends. However, we have the power to change our base level of happiness. These studies have shown that beyond basic needs (food, clothing, shelter), additional wealth and possessions don't actually make people happier. Things that do include family, community, faith/trust in fellow human beings, being married, laughing and smiling, talking to friends, thinking about others more than yourself, and getting out and interacting with people rather than watching TV at home.

Psychologist Martin Seligman says there are three components of happiness: the pleasant life (ex: a good meal), the engaged life (being absorbed with work, relationships, and hobbies), and the meaningful life (using your strengths in the service of others). Surprise surprise, the meaningful life has the most effect on long-term happiness. Helping others makes us feel generous and capable, strengthens our connection to others, and stops us being so self-centered.

So, the idea of learning happiness? Simple, focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Your brain releases feel-good endorphins making you feel good, therefore you feel more positive toward others, and a cycle of happiness begins. A suggestion the article makes is to reflect once a day on everything that makes you feel good, the things you adore, the people you love most in your life, etc. Humm, it's good to know I was onto something--I started using this technique to help with my funk after picking up and moving to a new country on my own. Wish I'd started using it sooner, but it did help when I finally did start "counting my blessings." I think I will definitely keep it up!

Sometimes families need more intervention than the patient

I spent 45 minutes of an hour-long session with a patient on the ward this afternoon, listening to the patient's son, rather than assessing the patient. The son (55) is on the verge of a meltdown due to the stress and strain he's under dealing with his father (and apparently other issues going on in his family as well, including as he said at the end, the fact that his marriage has been strained for some time). He insists that his father has memory problems which lead to safety issues at home, including but not limited to the fact that the patient has left the gas grill on before by accident. The son was saying there is no way his father can come home, carers won't make any difference at all since they don't provide 24-hour care, and his father needs 24-hour supervision. (Although the patient is insisting he manages, and wouldn't have carers anyway). The son was basically saying he gets no sleep and is on the "edge." Meanwhile, when I was able to actually work with the patient for a bit, he was able to respond to questions appropriately and scored a 24/30 on the MMSE (which ain't that bad). Now, I don't not believe the son-- his father has cancer of the lungs and a brain tumor that causes seizures, and having been told it will be terminal eventually, ideally the son would like his father to be in palliative care (the patient is currently against anything that involves leaving his home). I only met the patient today and was able to spend only about 15 minutes talking with him. I did see part of his session with the physio, and he is able to walk with a frame, get up out of a chair, etc. However, I do think the son is going to have a hell of a fight, because his father could be cared for at home (and social services won't support an application for residential care unless a patient cannot be sufficiently cared for at home), and if the patient does have the cognitive deficits the son is describing, he hides them well. And as far as palliative care-- well, that initiative would have to come from the doctor, and to override the patient's wishes, again it would have to be proven he is not of sound mind. Ai-yai-yai. I let the patient's son just get it all off his chest, he so needed to, but in the end, I had to tell him it will be the social worker and/or doctor who may or may not be able to help him get 24-hour care for his father.

And then, a really scary sight on my way out the door, a patient with an oxygen mask on at the end of the ward was getting attention from the SHO because his face had literally turned mustard yellow behind the mask. I've never ever seen that before.

On a lighter note, the domestic staff and porters are on strike again, and Annette was helping out with the afternoon tea. One of the Day Hospital patients asked her, "So what do you do here?" And Annette told her she was an Occupational Therapy Assistant. And the patient said, "Oh, you're one of them." I died laughing over at the nursing desk.

Back later on tonight with a more upbeat topic.

the forward lean

I've been an honorary physio this morning, because only one physio turned up to run the balance class with six patients. So I helped to guide them through the stations, made up things to do on the wobble board, had them stepping down both sides of the step-- not really what the physio normally has them do, but there wasn't time to train me first, and I think Sarah was just glad someone was willing to help out. Nothing wrong with having a little fun with it!

We had one lady who has somehow developed a compensatory strategy for poor dynamic standing balance of shifting her pelvis backward, resulting in an amazing forward lean from her ankles on up to her head. I mean, she looked like a downhill skier as she tried to balance on the wobble board, she was leaning that far forward. Shame we don't have a full length mirror here, because though we tried to explain it to her, and correct the alignment of her pelvis, I always think seeing this type of thing for yourself is the most powerful intervention.

Update from yesterday, Dr. K has apparently decided to actually take some time off, and is dealing with some residual facial weakness and who knows what else. I hope he has people around him telling him to take it easy, and slow down.

Oh, and congrats Viv! I'll give you a call tonight I hope, see if I can catch you at home after work. It's very exciting, Viv and I are in the beginning stages of planning our trip to Thailand and the Philippines for end of March 2007 (not actually all that far away)!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Survey Says

So, I didn't get it. They had a total of 5 candidates, two of whom had the experience they were looking for...the manager told me they had one internal candidate, and they didn't even hire her. The person they did hire applied for a full time position a year ago, didn't get it, went and got more relevant experience elsewhere, and wanted to work for this specialized unit so badly she then applied for this post which is a locum/temporary position. So they were impressed by her dedication.

I got really great positive feedback though. They told me my power-point presentation was great, all the people present at the inteview thought it was very good, really professional, and couldn't believe I had put it together in two days. The whole panel also thought I had great body language-- they said I looked very relaxed, was definitely very engaged, good eye contact, etc. And they liked the fact that I was honest about my experience...the manager said she would have told me the only way I could have done better would have been to respond to questions based on my experience with that population, but that I had obviously done the best I possibly could without that experience to draw upon for the questions. She rounded it out by saying I was definitely "appointable," it was just that I didn't have the experience they wanted, and someone else did.

So all in all, I feel good about the whole thing-- except for the train fare, grrrr. The only thing I didn't plan ahead for, and now have to stay in London this weekend because of it. Oh well. It was a good effort, and a good confidence booster for future interviews which, cross your fingers, I will hopefully get. I did actually apply to one other post at a different Bristol hospital, so maybe they'll shortlist me there, who knows. And I just applied to one today for a different hospital in East London. Thanks to everyone who offered their encouragement and advice! We'll get 'em next time ;) Lots of Love, Allison

Crash Team

For a slow morning, it was a pretty action-packed afternoon. Shortly after 1pm or so, one of our consultants rushed into the day hospital, followed closely by 5 or 6 other out-of-breath people who turned out to be members of the crash team. Apparently they had been called to the Day Hospital for someone who was in cardiac arrest. We looked around at our 4 patients, who were all enjoying their lunch, and said, well, we certainly didn't call in a cardiac arrest. So they all filtered out, only to come rushing back in a minute or so later, and this time there must have been at least 15 of them. They went tearing toward the back where the consultants' offices are, and we were told they weren't after a patient, it was Dr. K--- (one of our consultants) who had apparently collapsed. We did a thorough search of the building, sent one of the secretaries to walk around the outside of the building, called over to his acute one had any idea where he was. We all sort of stood around in shock, knowing there was nothing we could do, and I finally left at 2pm to go up to the acute wards. As it turned out, one of the other OTs had more need of me today than Jodie, so I was sent to Chestnut ward. I hadn't been there 10 minutes when I heard some of their staff talking about it-- apparently he had collapsed downstairs from Chestnut ward, and one of the crash team found him there. I called over to the Day Hospital to let them all know and carried on. I returned to the Day Hospital around 4pm, and as I walked over to the desk, the head nurse thanked me for my information, and pointed over to the main secretary's desk...there was Dr. K---, practically shouting down the phone at some poor soul. I've no idea what happened in those couple of hours, or how he got out of being at least kept under observation for a while, but all in all, it was a very wierd, stressful set of events, for apparently everyone but Dr. K---.

On Chestnut ward, I tried to see a patient who had come to us with radiation burns...he was at St. Barts Hospital only about a week ago for radiation treatment for epiglottal cancer. He now has burns on his neck and can't really speak. But that didn't stop him from shouting in a whisper in my face (he stepped closer every time I took a step back, nothing wrong with his balance or walking abilities), with the accompanying spittle naturally, about how he's tired of everyone asking him things and not telling him anything, and all he wants to know is when he'll get his voice back. I didn't get anything accomplished with him, almost needless to say, but I did go wash my face when I was finally able to make my retreat. After that I inserted myself into a family grouping surrounding another man, and had a very pleasant conversation with the poor chap, who had a stroke, and is currently without the use of his right arm. Ah, if only I were rehab! He is someone who has apparently always had a good sense of humor, and is coping very well, although I'm sure the fact that he doesn't really have any other major deficits (besides the arm) from the stroke helps quite a bit. I'll do the whole functional assessment with him tomorrow, but he appears to be very functional indeed.

No word from Bristol yet...

Flight Delays

I've had an email from Nicole that they are stuck in Boston at the moment, due to all the recent terrorist stuff here in the UK. They were meant to fly back yesterday morning, but arrived at the airport to discover their flight had been cancelled. I suppose they could be in the air at this very moment, but I'm not really sure what difference a day will make- I wouldn't be surprised if it were cancelled again. We've been having a debate here this morning (the physios and I) about whether you'd be forced to give up an annual leave day for such a situation. I mean, it's not Nicole's fault that the flight was cancelled. And we have nothing better to do, so we're just entertaining ourselves with lots of silly banter. I have a new favorite phrase, Todd was describing his drive back from Windsor yesterday, and how on the motorway everyone was only going maybe 30 mph because "it was chucking down rain." ;) And I'm sitting here in my fleece with my hands wrapped around a mug of hot the middle of August.

the updated countdown:

10 days to Sarajevo and Turkey!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Love is in the air"

Thought a little Barry White was appropos with the mood of things around here this weekend. Dave turned up with a poem he'd written for Nicole about how she's the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life. He framed it with dried flowers and everything. Made me cry, reading it. Then the two of them took off for their posh night at a five star hotel in central London, just one part of the gifts that Nicole showered on him for his recent birthday. Still to come- a spa day together in October. Meanwhile, Leeanne's Italian stallion has been wandering around the house since Wednesday with his shirt off. She has announced that she is in love, will be going to visit him before her visa runs out in October, and that she may try to get a new visa altogether if he decides he is going to move to London. Haven't seen much of her today, ever since he left for the airport this morning. And as for me, well let's just say I had a good weekend too.

I have to say, I have been having a blast going out dancing since I've been here. Shake it like a salt shaker!! You can get a lot of great house music, reggae, lounge and all of that going out in NYC. Call me cheesy, but I love all the top 40 you get in clubs here, set to a house beat or can dance and sing and basically have a ball. And being an OT, I love any opportunity to put on a little bling- dressing up, make up, the whole nine yards. I almost miss needing to wear business casual to work- almost. Cuz it feels good to look good!

Ok, so as for the went very well for the most part. As I wrote earlier, my presentation was probably more generalized than they would have liked. And I guess I was answering questions that way too, because they redirected me after one answer to specifically address how I would work with patients exhibiting aggressive, emotional problems. And I doubt I gave a very good answer, because I really haven't had to work with patients like that before. The facility was impressive, built in 1999, with its own therapy pool and everything. It's a jointly run venture, both NHS and private. I liked the feel of the place, I liked the staff, I liked the resources available...but they mainly have patients who have suffered some sort of traumatic brain injury. Not really stroke or SCI or anything. I will find out the results tomorrow, but I'm not so sure it's a good fit for me regardless. I'm not working in mental health because I realized it wasn't a good fit for me...traumatic brain injury patients are as much mental health patients as they are physical health, and more to the point, I'm specifically interested in working with stroke patients.

It's been an interesting day today, raining hard on and off all day, with a couple of brief rumbles of thunder thrown in midday. Great day for sleeping in, making phone calls, getting stuff done around the house, and cozying up with a DVD, as I plan to do now. I'll let y'all know the official word when I get the phone call tomorrow. Night!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

(Crashing sounds)

You know those sounds a kid will make when he's playing with his toy army airplanes and they crash in mid air and go spiraling down to earth, complete with explosion upon impact? Good, you hear them in your head? That's what happened when I attempted to give my presentation to Nicole not too long ago. I bombed. Stuttered, stumbled, stopped completely, found transitions that weren't smooth or as in the case of one transition, non-existant.

That's okay, though, I took tons of notes, and am a little over halfway through polishing the whole thing up. I've decided to write out my whole speech, because I think I'll be too nervous to remember all the comments I want to make as I give the presentation, and I don't have enough rehearsal time to get it all down pat without notes.

And since I think I've earned it, I'm going to go watch House on TV in about 15 minutes, tidy up the last few bits, pick out my outfit, and go to bed. Wish me luck. Love to all!

Stress Ball (that's me)

I am pulling my hair out! If I could find a picture or clip art of some little cartoon guy literally ripping his hair out, I'd post it, and believe me I've looked. I excel in this kind of counterproductive, proscrastinatory (is that a word?) behavior when I'm under pressure and feel overwhelmed. Not a beneficial coping strategy at all, I know. I literally do feel out of my league, a small fish in a big pond...

A big thank you to Jenn for her pep talk earlier this afternoon via Google Chat, her faith in me and my abilities, and my determination and strength- would that I had her same faith in me! Isn't that always the way though...everyone else sees us as more than we believe we are. I'm just the only idiot who publishes it publicly on a blog, when everyone else keeps those thoughts private.

Basically I feel like I've bitten off more than I can chew. I don't know how to impress these people with my skills, when I don't have the skills they're looking for...I would love to have the learning opportunity that working in their facility would offer, and I can try to show them that I'm a good learner, a hard worker, dedicated to my patients and to my own practice. But this presentation is going to be a disaster! I just don't know enough about brain injury patients, so my power point slide show is pretty generalized.

Okay, deep breath, grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal. Especially contrasted with today's events (see below, though I know it's all over the news in the States as well). I'll get the job if I am supposed to, and I won't if I'm not.


Leeanne and her Italian friend were having brunch of sorts when I went down to get something to eat for lunch, and the TV had been left on...

The news was announcing that Heathrow is closed (although looking at the BBC online I think some flights are still going in and out) due to a terrorism plot uncovered by Scotland Yard to smuggle explosives onto 10 different US-bound flights. The plan had evidently been to cause mass murder of an "unpredecented scale" by detonating those explosives mid-flight, with three different airlines targeted. The police here think they've caught all the suspects behind the plan, but apparently at all UK airports there are extra police, and strict security measures, including passengers only being allowed to carry their passports and medicines on board.

Thank goodness Nicole and Rob flew out last weekend.

Events like these really make you stop and be grateful for what you have in life, and especially the people you care about.

** Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Black and Tans

I've just gotten in, about 20 minutes ago, 10:30ish from dinner and drinks at Ann's house...I know, shush, let me handle my stress in my own way, including if that means leaving things to the last minute. We had planned it last week, and I couldn't very well beg off, Ann being my supervisor. It was a lot of fun, I learned some new things, such as where the name of the Black and Tans came from, during the fighting between Ireland and England. Black and Tans were English soldiers sent into Ireland, who had to wear half of the English army uniform and half of a local uniform due to not enough uniforms, and the halves were-- you guessed it-- black and tan. Evidently there's a rumor the name came from a particularly ferocious pack of hunting dogs by that name, so they applied it to a ferocious bunch of soldiers. But the full-blooded Irishman at our table reckoned it was the uniform story that's true.

"Everyone knows i'm in over my head, over my head..."

What a day! Annette, star that she is, had a patient this afternoon and had my student observe for half an hour so I could rush off to the hospital's library, and I think I've found an article that will help a lot! And I was also able to sign up for databases online, so I should be able to access them from home tomorrow. Yes (sheepish look), I'm pulling a sickie...there's no way I can get this presentation together in time unless I do, and as Angelica pointed out, it's more believable if I take two days instead of just one anyway ;)

So what am I doing?! Depending upon the experience of the other candidates, it seems like I'll probably be a long shot for this job, with my limited previous neuro experience (no specifically neuro rotation on my resume) and only 15 months of clinical practice. However, you never know- there's no harm in shooting for the stars, and it should be an unbelievable learning experience were I to get it- and if I don't get it, this whole interview process will have been good training for any others I might be invited for, and I'll have a flashy power point presentation to wow other interviewers who haven't even requested it.


So, I got up early this morning, had a shower and hopped on the bus to the hospital instead of walking, thinking I could spend most of the morning looking up articles in the online databases available through the hospital for my presentation. At 8:30am, a young woman appeared in front of me at the desk, and said she was looking for the OT she was supposed to be shadowing today. Doh! I completely forgot I had a work experience student today...that's timing for you. She's observing the physio's balance class at the moment, and I've managed to find two articles during that time, but it's just ironic, given the oodles of free time I've had almost every other day, that I don't have any time today to work on materials for my interview. Annette and Angelica have been urging me to take tomorrow and Friday off "sick," so that I can at least have tomorrow to prepare myself.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Takin' a break from getting ready for my interview on Friday-- found this old pic from the triathlon I did back in summer 2003. Gee, did I blow out my back tire because my number was 1313? Hope I get a good number for the race in October!! Posted by Picasa

Lol. Good times, cheesy pictures. This was just before the triathlon began. Posted by Picasa

"Coffee, and Hope, Grow in Rwanda"

A link from Tress, as she gets ready to head off and work in Rwanda for a year. She's trying to convince us all that it's "relatively safe" after the genocide that happened 15 years ago. The general response is, "yeah, until you get there!" Let's see, she was first in the Cote d'Ivoire for the Peace Corps and had to flee the country with some missionaries when revolution broke out. She was reassigned to Togo, where toward the end of her time there an attempt was made to overthrow the dictator. And during her summer internship in Sri Lanka last summer, a high ranking government official was assasinated. Anyone else notice a pattern here?

Seriously, though, the article is really interesting. Co-ops and fair trade, and all that jazz. Some heartening news out of Rwanda for a change.


Yikes! Just got a phone call to say that I have an interview at the Frenchay Hospital in Bristol this Friday!! And that I need to put together a 10 minute power-point presentation on the benefits of joint working with other members of the interdisciplinary team with a brain injury patient. Right, so I've got two and a half days to put together an impressive presentation with resources, as well as assemble a portfolio that currently doesn't exist. Which doesn't leave any time to prepare myself for what questions they might ask. What have I gotten myself into??!! I guess I'll just do a return trip on Friday, and come up with an excuse for Whipps, since I'll probably need Thursday night to finish preparations, and don't know of a place to stay overnight anyway. I think it's not quite a two hour trip anyway by train, should be fine. Do I sound like a chicken with it's head cut off? I feel like one!

Butts and Wooden Nickels

I had the nursing staff in hysterics this afternoon after coming back to the day hospital. When I'm up on the ward, there isn't that much room between each bed. Normally when I'm talking to a patient, I'll just sit on their bed to be on eye level with them. But this particular patient's daughter was present and already sitting on the bed. So I pulled up a stool on the other side of the patient's chair, and by doing so, was encroaching a bit beyond the curtain line into the next-door patient's area. About 10 minutes into our conversation, I felt and saw out of the corner of my eye that an older man (a guest, not a patient) had squeezed past the back of my stool and was standing in front of the next-door patient's little bedside cupboard. Next thing you know, he is bent in half and his butt is shoved up against the left side of my face...he didn't sort of brush or tap my face with his butt, it was as if I were a wall...he just bent over and kind of used my face to lean against. So I stood up, and moved my stool a few feet away, at which point he straightened up, turned around, and said "Oh sorry, love." He never asked me to move in the first place, never said "Excuse me, I need to get into that little cupboard," it was as if I didn't exist, until I moved my face from his butt, and suddenly he had nothing to lean against. I'm still laughing about it.

Totally unrelated topic-- with all the emails that have been flying around since the family reunion, I now know today what the big deal is with wooden nickels in my family. For as long as I can remember, our extended family has told each other whenever we get together "Don't take any wooden nickels" and at one of the last reunions I was present for, someone actually gave out wooden nickels. Well, they did again this time, the one I missed, and for all the youngsters, the story was: Wooden nickels used to be popular at state fairs and centennials. You weren't supposed to take any wooden nickels the last day of a fair, in case you couldn't cash them in before the end of the event, at which point they were valueless. Ok, so maybe that's only interesting to me. You'd have to know some of the characters in my family- they are larger than life- but I wanted to share the news with y'all anyway.
Dearie me, I forgot my little vocab lesson for y'all from the weekend. There were two new words, and I only remember one of them now. On Saturday night, when I was on the lash (I've done that one before, pop quiz, what does that mean?), we were also checking out the local "talent"...i.e. men. I think it's brilliant and intend to use it from now on.

Have been busy today! Because we had an OT visiting from another day hospital nearby, where the day hospital has not been open for very long. So I gave her the grand tour of our small facility, ran through all six weeks of falls' group topics with her, and told her everything I could think of about the service we provide. And also the service we should provide, are set up to provide, but don't currently do (rehab, kitchen assessments, etc). And this afternoon had three patients on the acute ward. I can actually go home now, er, to the gym, with a feeling of having been useful. About time!

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Italian Stallion

Today is my housemate Leeanne's birthday, so Nicole and I took her to a tapas bar to celebrate. We had a nice bottle of wine, and some excellent tapas, and had the waiter bring her a slice of torte with a candle in it at the end of our meal.

During dinner, she reminded us that her friend Marco is coming to stay with her from Wednesday through Sunday this week. However, what we didn't know was that she'd met him online, and has never met him before. He's Italian, and lives in Venice or near Venice, and apparently they've been chatting online for maybe a year...he's decided to come visit because he wants to find work here and also to see Leeanne. Nicole and I both looked at each other across the table and had the same reaction: ok, do we have locks on our doors?! Hide the laptop, hide the cash and cameras! Leeanne took it in stride, and said you know, he was worried about the two of you, whether you'd be comfortable with him staying with us-- and being the saps that we are, our hearts melted a little. We're excited for Leeanne, and he is good-looking (we've seen a picture now), but you can't really blame us for being a little nervous about a guy staying here who she's never met before. She wants us to come out clubbing with them Sat night.

A "Good" OT

I had a really sad home visit this morning, which as it turns out, wasn't really a home visit at all. This patient's illness is terminal, though they haven't been able to find signs of cancer histologically, they think he has cancer...mesothelioma, because he was a fireman and several of his old work mates have passed away with that diagnosis. The patient's daughter has come over from Australia to care for him, as the consultant believes he has maybe 8 weeks left. And the daughter wants to care for him at home, rather than have him admitted to hospital or even direct to palliative care. She knows that's what he wants, and unless something totally unforeseen happens, it's what she wants to do for him. He's not able to do his own personal care at this point, is having trouble feeding himself and drinking, requires the maximum amount of assistance whenever he is trying to stand up, and has become more and more disoriented and "vague" as the daughter put it. So this morning, once I had taken all of this in, my role became to support the daughter as well as I could in her role of caring for her father. Most of the equipment they need is already there, thanks to a diligent district nurse-- an electric armchair that stands him up, an electric profiling bed, etc. But I did identify a few odds and ends I could do for her, and also advised her to move his armchair into his bedroom, as well as the commode when it arrives, so that he doesn't have to deal with moving around more than one room in his flat.

His daughter became very emotional at one point, and probably to distract herself, started asking me about my accent, why was I in England (she herself had previously said she'd left England as soon as she could), and whether I'd ever think about coming to Australia. I told her I had investigated the possibility when I decided to work abroad and discovered it was virtually impossible for me to get a work permit there. She talked about an OT shortage in Australia, and especially a shortage of good OTs, so I laughed and said, but the Australian government doesn't want me. She made a comment I've heard now in three countries, something to the effect of, "all the good ones leave." I heard that a lot at Roosevelt before I left, I've heard it at Whipps just recently when I said to someone I was looking for a new job, and now I've heard it from this British woman who lives in Australia. Are good OTs such a rare breed? I know I graduated with a fair amount of people I think must be good OTs, I've trained with a couple of good it American training? Is is the setting? Is it just the OTs who go above and beyond or who really show they care? What makes the people and families we work with think that a certain OT is "good" and another is not?
I realize I kind of tossed off the statement about a stabbing down the street from the bar we were in...this morning, I've remembered what Jo was telling us about Poole in the cab ride home. Evidently Poole is almost the largest natural harbor in the world, second only to Sydney. And even that is in dispute because they have artificially made Sydney harbor bigger. But anyway, Poole has a history of (you can probably guess it) smuggling trade. And Jo was telling us that by and large, Poole is a very safe area. But if there is any trouble, as there was Saturday night, you can almost guarantee it's connected to the old smuggling pubs that still draw some shady characters I guess. Pretty fascinating, huh. Here's a bit more info if it catches your imagination the way it does mine...

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Wow, we did so much in two days that it feels like I've been away a lot longer. I met Jo and three of her friends I've hung out with before at the Victoria Coach station in London midday yesterday, and we took off on our adventure to Bournemouth and Poole! The whole reason for the trip was that Jo is moving with her boyfriend James to Rugby (near Birmingham) in a couple of weeks, and she wanted to pick up her car at her parents' house in Poole. One that they'd recently bought on her behalf for 400 pounds- a little Fiesta.

Anywho, her parents met our bus in Bournemouth with Jo's car, and we took off immediately for the beach. Overall, I have to say I wasn't all that impressed with the beach. It reminded me a lot of Pt. Pleasant or Seaside Heights in NJ, which are not the beaches I'd take people to, unless we wanted beachside bars or clubs at night. Lots of people, carnival rides, etc. Unfortunately it was an overcast day, not really a great beach day, so we didn't stay on the beach for very long and thus no top up of my fading tan :( Plus we were getting repeatedly hit by a frisbee some kids were playing with, so we did a little shopping instead, and saw some incredible street dancing. The town of Bournemouth itself was very cool, it was just the beach and Pier Approach I wasn't overly excited about.

That night, we headed toward the beach in Poole, which is a whole different story, and Poole Quay. I really liked Poole, and it reminded me a bit of Salem, Mass. Very picturesque, very charming, lots of character. Jo had a particular bar in mind, but it was pretty empty, so we went on past to the Wetherspoons pub for a couple of cheap rounds. We met up with several of Jo's friends there, and one of her friends brought along several of his friends, so it ended up being a pretty big group. Not counting the two glasses of wine we had at Jo's house before leaving, we had 8 rounds last night- yikes, my tolerance is back up there where it was when I was working at Gargoyles I think! Considering Sarah and Karen stopped at six rounds, I could almost blush, but I was having a great night, and wasn't really counting drinks. Does that make me more British?- I'm setttling into the drinking culture. Although I woke up this morning feeling still drunk and at the moment am absolutely exhausted, I didn't actually have a hangover at all in the form of a headache or being ill. We danced until we closed down the bar, and my feet felt like they were going to fall off--and as the taxi took us home, we passed part of the waterfront that had been cordoned off with police tape, due to a stabbing that happened while we were inside the bar our cabbie told us. Poole evidently is normally a very safe area.

One of Jo's friends- this guy Chris- was really friendly and outgoing. Evidently, he broke his leg playing American football when he was 21, and they screwed up at hospital. When they were drilling a steel pin into his leg, they hit an artery, and then didn't replace the blood he'd lost. As a result, some muscle tissue in his leg died, and he now has a permanent footdrop. He uses a crutch and has an ALFO he wears inside his shoe, but man can that boy move on the dance floor! I was impressed!

Today after breakfast, and lovely showers (nothing like it after an epic night out), Jo's parents took us off to the New Forest for a BBQ, since Jo was driving us back, and it was on our route back to London. No one was able to tell me why it is called the "New" Forest, so I'm afraid I don't have that story for you. But it was gorgeous, and there were lots of people out enjoying their Sunday, swimming, walking, picnicking, etc. Our setting made me yearn to go camping, which I have not done since leaving Boston.

Ok, so here's the latest photo installment...

Chillin on the beach Posted by Picasa

Sorry, no bikini pics for you, it wasn't bikini weather. Posted by Picasa

Jo and I were the only ones who tested the water. While she was laughing at me for having gotten the front of my shorts splashed with water, a massive wave hit her butt. Posted by Picasa

A line of beach huts at the back of Bournemouth beach. Jo told me they have running water and electricity, and some of them cost as much as 60,000 pounds! Posted by Picasa

Jo and Karen on what they called Dodge 'Ems, I think. I set them straight, and said, no, they're bumper cars! Posted by Picasa

Four of the five of us bought new shoes in Bournemouth, and three of us wore them out last night. I paid only 8 pounds for a pair that were originally 60! Bargain Posted by Picasa

In Jo's backyard, when everyone was finally ready to go! Posted by Picasa

Just getting started at the Wetherspoons Posted by Picasa

The girls gettin' their groove on Posted by Picasa

The aquarium in the middle of the bar Posted by Picasa

Some of the group from last night Posted by Picasa

Five of us packed into Jo's little car...Jo, me, Karen (from the Isle of Mann), Sarah (English), and Lauren (South African). Posted by Picasa

Looking down one of many paths through the New Forest. Posted by Picasa

Jo, in action, at the BBQ playing frisbee. Posted by Picasa

I took advantage of a little rest stop in Fleet today to take a picture of Jo's "new" Fiesta, the whole reason for this weekend's trip...well, new to her anyway.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Yesterday afternoon I was reminded of how the world keeps turning, and why it can be so easy to feel alone. We had a patient at the day hospital all day long. She has recently suffered very rapid, serious physical decline. Though she's had a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis for at least five years, nothing was ever done about it for her, no medication, no therapy, and the family had no information on the disease might progress, what to expect, what to do, etc. So all day long, the family met with various members of the team, the patient went through numerous tests--- but as there were no other patients, the staff spent a large part of the day setting up for the retirement party of one of our consultants. And at about 4pm, people started to arrive for the party, making a lot of noise as they did so. By this point, the patient's family was severely stressed out and emotional, and one of the daughters came over to yell at the head nurse about how inappropriate it was to have a party before the day hospital had even closed for the day, and with a patient still there with serious health issues. The doctor then took the entire family into a private room for awhile, and when they came out, everyone was crying, and I learned the patient was to be admitted to the hospital due to the serious nature of her condition. I spent the next hour while we waited for the patient to be transferred comforting the family and my heart just broke for them. While I knew there was no way the staff could have anticipated this situation when planning the party, I could feel very keenly how horrible it seemed to this particular family that everyone continued as if nothing were wrong, everyone around them was happy and having a party to celebrate someone else. I think the juxtaposition of celebrating life against having to face the fear of their mother's death was just too much. The hardest part of this job is the thin line between life and death, and how helpless you can sometimes be in making a difference.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Thoughts from a Friday fog

Hahahaha...yup, I am going to have to fill out the NI application form for the third time in a row now. Apparently they've taken a hard line because I said I was here for four months back in 2004, but had no visa to show for it. And apparently it was unacceptable for the HR guy to tell them over the phone that that's because I was a STUDENT who was not working and therefore did not need a visa or work permit. So now I have to fill it all out again, and write a cover letter saying that exact thing (student=no visa), which I have a feeling they may very well reject again. This has got to be some kind of record for NI applications.

So, let's see, random stuff for this morning. Kristy, thanks for saying hi on my blog, everyone just emails me these days with whatever comments they have. Hope you got my recent emails, we need to have a marathon phone call real soon! I've already done the phone call to the daughter of patient I took for a home visit yesterday. I expected to hear the quiet, cold British anger and tenacity down the line, but instead she actually respected my professional opinion and assessment, and basically said thank you very much, I'm fine with my mother going home on Monday. Phew! Especially since the social worker and head nurse had passed their bad news to me to deliver to the daughter. I have a ticket to the Cat Empire tonight, a Cuban-influenced band, sold out-- but the Australian OT that I work with on the acute wards offered me a ticket yesterday because someone's sick. Can't wait!!

And the whole left or right debate...everyone drives on the left here, of course, and if you're on an escalator or people-mover (moving walkway), you're supposed to stand to the right and pass on the left. But if you're just walking along the street or sidewalk or whatever, everyone tends to stay to their right. Huh?! Makes it very confusing for us foreigners. I can't tell you how many sidewalk dances I've had with total strangers when we're heading straight at each other. I go to my left, thinking that's how it must be here, but they go to their right, so we're still on a collision course. However, when you've had a couple of drinks, as I discovered last night, you're quite happy to stick to your own path and let everyone else get out of your way, since you're too giddy to be bothered ;) But this would appear to prove it's a natural tendency to stay to the right...people drive on the left because that's the law, but leave them to their own devices walking in the street and they stay to the right! So driving on the right side of the road is the right, natural thing, right?

Oh, and I've seen an interesting documentary over here recently, entitled something like "Me and My Penis" done by a guy with self-esteem issues due to his small size. I'd love to comment on it, as I do think it's something that men think everyone else is worried about (ie women), but as discussed in that film, it's really the man and his own self-esteem, because if they're happy, we're happy. However, given my audience here, that's all I'm going to say, I'll save the rest of my thoughts for conversations with people.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

the NI nutters

Some of you may remember an entry I posted awhile ago about what's been happening with my application for an NI number. If not, to summarize, I initially applied for it in my first week here at Whipps, at end of February. In April or early May, I can't remember which, the Head OT sent me an email stating that I needed to fill out a new original application had been cancelled because they changed some law or other, and as a result there was a new form. (Funnily enough, the new form looked exactly like the old one to me.) Again, I filled it out immediately, and turned it back in the following day. About 3 weeks ago, the HR guy sent me an email asking me to bring in my passport, because the NI people were missing some information- something specifically related to my entry clearance visa. Basically, after filling in the application form, everything is taken care of between HR and the NI people. However, I received a letter a week ago stating they were missing information, and was told not to worry about it by HR, because it probably just referred to the passport info, which they had already sent along to NI. Well, this week I've received a letter stating my application has been denied because they never received the information they'd requested (meanwhile I never had a phone call or letter asking for info, they went to HR instead, but now for some reason are writing directly to me). So it has taken them almost 6 months to process my application overall (between the first and second applications), but they only waited one week for additional information (which had been sent), before sending off a short, sorry, your application has been denied letter. Ragghrghhh! I've passed off the letter to HR, and intend to let them sort it out. I can't do anything but laugh.

(PS- An NI number is akin to social security number as I understand it.)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Art of Giving Nothing Away...

I've kind of run out of steam on this latest application...I had a phone conversation with the Senior I OT this afternoon, who pretty much sat the fence as far as encouragement goes. As of this morning, they'd only received 3 apps, which would have been good news, except I don't meet the requirements they ideally want - 3 years of OT experience, 2 years of neuro experience. This is highly unusual for a Senior II position, where they normally want 18 months of OT 3 years, that's generally Senior I. I guess since they're a specialized Neuro-Rehab facility, they do things a bit differently. Anyway, that's why I called to find out if I should even bother sending my app to them. She pretty much told me that ideally, they'd like someone with the experience, but that they would definitely read my application if I sent it, and their short-list would be determined based on the experience and qualifications of the people who actually applied. So she didn't give anything away about the apps they've already received, and was sort of saying, well you're not really ideally what we're looking for, and I'm not going to tell you if the other apps have more experience than you, but on the chance that we don't get anyone with that kind of experience, you might have a good shot at being interviewed. Arghhh.

So I've done all the application except for an unusual extra piece I haven't seen in any other application, that of a statement about personal development. And by that they mean things that have affected me personally, my personal growth, and how that in turn affected me as an OT. Wonderful, I have to do a self reflection for an application where I don't really meet the requirements. I think the only other times I've been asked to do this were on my applications for universities, and my applications for OT schools. I think I'm for bed, and I'll try to bang this last piece out tomorrow morning.

A pretty decent chunk of the extended Poppink family (my grandfather, my mother and her siblings and their partners, their kids, and their kids' kids).  Posted by Picasa

Tress with Connor, the newest baby on the Poppink side, born this past fall. He's my cousin Casey's and his wife Lara's, and since we didn't go skiing with them this past Christmas, I haven't met this little guy yet. Posted by Picasa

Grandpa's new digs, not bad! I especially like the log cabin effect (look through the windows at the back)...very appropo for Sault Ste. Marie, which is just across the border from Canada. Posted by Picasa

My cousin Cal's three kids...stripey shirts, they'd fit right in over here! Man, I haven't seen these guys since Drew was like 2 or 3 (he's the one in orange), and the littlest one hadn't even been born at that time.  Posted by Picasa

Feelin' hot hot hot

Woo-eee! 102 degrees in NJ right now. Glad I'm not there! We've been having lovely windy weather this week, and I'll almost be sorry to see it warm back up again. Though not too much, seeing as I'll be in Bournemouth this weekend! Looking forward to seeing the beach again, should tide me over until Turkey. Top up my tan ;)

I think I've figured out why that picture looks like a cartoon to me...the lamp post and Big Ben almost look like they're leaning to the right. It's one of my favorite pictures of London so far because of that, it gives it that x factor.

I've received a couple of pics from the family reunion thanks to my sister and mother, so I'll see if I can re-size and post one or two of them a bit later. For now I need to finish off another application. TTFN.

TB and passports

Well, I was busy this morning, but only because I had to wait in the Occupational Health office forever, and in the end, didn't get my mantoux test done know, the little bubble they put under your skin, that's supposed to fade away to show you don't have TB? I waited for almost an hour, and finally told them I had to be getting back to run my falls group. Went to the weekly department meeting, and got the bad news from Jodie, and also Tana today, that there truly is nothing for me to do this afternoon. So I went back to Occupational Health where I had the most painful mantoux test I've ever had- and I've been getting them every six months since I started as OT student at Tufts. It's supposed to feel like a pin prick or a bee sting, and it's over in a second or two. Not that this was horrific pain in any sense, but I did end up using yoga breathing, and it took a full minute for her to create the little bubble.

Annette has been regaling me with her stories of trying to get a new passport for her son, Danny. Evidently, you can get the whole thing expedited by paying an extra £7 to the post office, the most important part of their service being that they make sure the whole application is correct before it is posted off. So she took everything to the post office last week and was told the picture of Danny would not be accepted, but they told her exactly what she needed to do to fix it. This week she went back with the new photo and was told something else was wrong with the application. So she asked them why they had not told her last week about this other mistake...and they told her that if they started doing that, people would correct their applications based on the post office's advice, and mail it off themselves without having to pay the post office the £7. So basically, you could end up bringing your application back to the post office umpteen times, because they'll only tell you one mistake at a time, before finally getting the application right. Talk about your red tape!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I found a 5-pound note on my walk home from work today- not too shabby!!

Today I was literally begging for work. Ok, so the idea of having no work to do and getting paid for it sounds great. So does the idea of going home early every day, as I have done for, well, most of this rotation I think. But believe me, it's not great. The random day you take off from work might feel great. Vacation always feels great. But just take my word for it, this is not great. I've been afraid that I've been being de-skilled. Everyone keeps telling me it's not that I'm being de-skilled, I just haven't gained any skills, and the skills I do have will come back to me. I hope so, I really do. I think I should be counting down the days to the end of this rotation, rather than to Turkey.

I had a falls education group this morning, although the physio is going to be reducing the groups from two mornings a week to one, due to lack of patients. Crappy-do, as Viv would say. Otherwise, I spent the morning chatting away to the physio, and Annette who was back from a 5-day weekend. Catching up, making plans, etc. I had lunch, and called Jodie to find out what was happening on the acute wards. She said "well, there's one woman on Birch- she lives alone on a second floor flat, is mobile with a stick, and they're sending her home tomorrow. Oh, okay, well, I guess you don't need to see her. But that's all there really is." At which point I think I was actually pleading, and asking her not to tell me she didn't have any work for me. So she took pity on me and asked me to meet her at Chestnut, a ward she's been covering for a therapist on holiday. The first two men she asked me to see were unwell, so I couldn't do anything. So she finally handed me the paperwork on a guy she kept missing, she always happened to try to see him when he was out for dialysis. And I ran into my old bugaboo, "cuz you a bugaboo, you buggin' what, you buggin'who, you buggin' me, and don't you see it ain't cool"- sorry, I'm breaking into song a lot these days. Anyway, my old bugaboo, that of feeling like it's rude to interrupt your elders. I was trying to interview this guy about his home setup, and at first I thought he might be a bit deaf, because he'd launch into something completely unrelated to what I had asked about, and just go on and on and on. But eventually I figured out he's not deaf, he just wanted to tell all his life stories and I was a captive audience. I let this struggle go on for an hour, trying to redirect him to my questions whenever he paused even slightly, which believe me wasn't very often....until Jodie poked her head around the door to see how I was doing. At that point, I gave up on the interview, and moved to having him perform various tasks for me, a functional assessment, which went a bit better. I felt more assertive about continually redirecting him to physical tasks than I had during the interview part. I wish I had more time for the social needs of patients, especially with the older adult population. This guy had great stories about growing up, was apparently working from the time he was 11 for pennies, and I was just fascinated, but of course, had an OT agenda to accomplish. It's a tightrope act with some patients, assessing them, but really listening to them as well, and if I'd had any other patients this afternoon, I would have fallen off that tightrope.


Happy first day of August everyone! Time is flying, as usual. Time for a new countdown, I think- 23 days till I leave for Sarajevo and Turkey!

So the girls of 59 Harrow Rd spent an hour yesterday trying to sort out our monthly bills. An hour! And I'm not even part of the whole phone bill struggle, I pay only a third of the cost for the line that I never use (I use Skype for international calls, and my mobile for UK stuff). Leeanne paid £30 extra toward electricity last month. Well, not extra, she owed it from the month before, but she owed it toward gas, not electricity. You have no idea how much time we wasted trying to sort that out this month- both figuring out that that's what had happened, and then how to divvy up the bill this month in light of that fact. I've lived in a house with three people before, and I can't remember paying the bills ever being this complicated!! And then, back to the phone, Nicole and Leeanne were arguing over a phone number that shows up repeatedly on every month's bill, but no one has ever claimed. So Leeanne storms over to the phone, dials the number and starts speaking to a woman who has answered. For reasons that escape me, Leeanne, a girl who is loud and boisterous in real life, suddenly speaks very quietly with blurred words whenever she's on the phone. So she's saying to this woman, "Who am I through to please?" and even I, sitting right next to her, can't quite figure out what she's asking. She repeats the question 3 times, and gets a bit louder each time, so I finally figure out what she's saying. Evidently the person on the other end didn't want to just give out her details to someone who was not identifying themselves. Suddenly Leeanne's going, "Look, lady, I just want to know who I've called..." and then she's slamming the phone down with some angry comments about people's phone manners. (I hope, I assume the person on the other end hung up first.) All of a sudden, Nicole's calling out, "Wait a minute, maybe that's Dave's number!" And I just died laughing. Laughing so hard I was crying and I got stomach cramps. It turned out it was Dave's number, and Nicole had to call back (they have caller ID, though I'm sure she would have called anyway), and apologize profusely for Leeanne's phone call. I couldn't believe it's been however many months (going on a year almost), and she had not been claiming these numerous phone calls as her own, when they were all to her own boyfriend!!

And then we were on to a throw-down about the cleaning schedule...long story short, we eventually talked Leeanne down, and sorted out who was doing what.

To wind down from our bills fiasco, and to celebrate the job apps, I had a glass of the Bardolino red wine I'd brought back from Italy...absolutely delicious, and just what the doctor ordered. Oh, and film four finally had something watchable on, I tuned in just in time to see the second half of Road to Perdition, something which I'd seen the first half of on a plane over a year ago, but we landed and I never saw the rest.