Monday, August 21, 2006

Wrong sides

Flatmate Nicole and Dave rolled in late last night after seeing the Stones play at Twickenham (so jealous!). I'd forgotten Dave has screwed up his knee again (evidently it's the same knee he has had surgery on before). So I was bit shocked to see him walk into the kitchen this morning with me in only a tshirt...he had stayed overnight because he's not currently working. I was probably caught a bit off balance both due to my normal morning fog, and because I had moved some furniture around in my room last night and it must not be very feng shui, given how much my new arrangement threw me off this morning. Even though I didn't move the bed itself, I have been walking around this morning feeling like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

But then again, maybe that's not so bad as Nicole. She finally has a working bike to use for her commute back and forth to the children's center. She took off with Dave standing in the front door, and I heard him shout as I picked up my backpack, "You're on the wrong side of the road!!"

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