Wednesday, February 01, 2006

19 more days!

Can I tell you how excited I am getting?!! I now have a little map book of all of extended/greater London, and it actually shows my hospital on the Leyton page. It appears the hospital campus is right next to a very large wooded/park sort of area, with a big lake in the middle, so I am looking forward to new running terrain...or walks, should my hips be acting up that day. Either way right now I've got the treadmill or concrete suburbia, so I'm looking forward to the park.

Also, I seem to have a social network already set up before even setting foot in the country! Ok, a little presumptuous of me, but I do have contact information for many people besides the friends I have kept in touch with from Oxford. Kristy's sister, Maja's friends from college and one she befriended much more recently, two co-workers' friends, and a very good friend of mine from grad school who will be following me over around April-ish...ok, so that doesn't count, she's imported, but her British boyfriend and his circle of friends count!

So the big question is, can I afford to check out all the great restaurants, bars, pubs, and clubs on an OT's salary? Not to mention everything else happening in London...

I can't wait to get back to a big city! I do miss working in NYC- "the" city- and having lived in Boston for three years, I do miss being able to walk every where. 19 more days!

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