Sunday, June 24, 2007


Last week was the most stressful one I've ever had since starting at Whipps. Whether that was worth getting an excellent end-of-rotation review, and being told by my supervisor I gave her the best handover of a patient caseload she's ever had, I'm not sure. I was exhausted all week because not only was my ward crazy busy, but I was doing work on the audit after work and getting up early in the mornings to work on it too. I'm just glad that week is over. I still have work to do for that rotation even though as of Monday, I start my new one. Oh well.

So, what else has been happening?

I got the car keys!! A week from tomorrow I land in Newark, meet up with Jo and James, and hop into the Jetta which my parents will have kindly left there for me on their way up to VT. Woohoo, I'm only a week away from summer! (You can hardly call what we've been having here summer thus far).

I got my new mobile...although it's a very cool new toy and I'm having fun playing with it, I do miss my old one, because I knew how everything worked! This new one has a 3.2 megapixel camera, and can also function as an Ipod although that seems to run the battery down really quickly. My current favorite feature though has to be that the wallpaper is Parliament/Big Ben, and it reflects time of day-- as in Parliament and Big Ben light up and the sky goes dark on my little mobile screen when it's actually nighttime. And fireworks go off in the sky when I get a text message.

Went out on Friday night with Angelica and a friend of hers called Dai who I've now met a couple of times. We started out just the three of us, but met some of Dai's friends later on out in Brick Lane, who kept buying us Stella Artois. Now, I'm not going to turn down free beer, but come on, and I blame my persistent low-grade headache yesterday morning squarely on the Stella. Yesterday we spent a good 9-10 hours at our friends' house for a BBQ. We managed to make it work, in between the spurts of thunder and rain-- with somehow perfect timing we spent a couple of hours outside grilling and eating in sunshine, and moved indoors when it was raining to play a cool card game called "Grass," which I will be bringing to VT with me. Very exciting, it will be the first time I introduce a new game to the Heilalas instead of vice versa!

And today in an hour or so, we take off for Hyde Park Calling! The weather is more than a little iffy, but nothing to be done about that. Besides it almost doesn't qualify as an English music festival unless it's raining and muddy. It'll be a blast regardless, and I can't wait to see Jet and Aerosmith!!

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