Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A little of this, a little of that

Because it is currently taking Blogger more than 10 minutes for each photo I try to upload, I'm giving up after just the one tonight. I'll try in the would seem that night-time here is prime time for Bloggers to post, making the site extremely slow! If I post photos in the morning before work, it literally takes seconds for each photo to upload. Sorry 'bout that.

I am currently being driven bonkers by a car alarm outside my window that has been going off for the past half hour. I thought they stopped automatically after awhile. I can't wait for Leeanne to move out end of April (she's going home to S. Africa), so that I can take over the bedroom furthest away from the road!! My bedroom is the biggest, but personally I'd rather have a smaller room without the traffic noises.

Everyone is in a tizzy over here tonight because we may be getting up to 10cm of snow tomorrow. That's a grand total of 4 inches, at which Americans wouldn't do much more than blink an eye. However, it is more likely to be 1-2 inches of snow if it is even snow at all-- British weather forecasters being notoriously bad at forecasting, no one is apparently able to say whether it will be snow or rain. This has not stopped many of the London area schools from declaring themselves closed for tomorrow, in anticipation of "the storm." IF we do have snow, and IF it does somehow manage to accumulate to 4 inches, I may possibly be the only one at work tomorrow as public transportation will grind to a halt. Now that would be funny. I don't know, with all this supposed climate change, I'm thinking England had better learn how to deal with snow sooner rather than later.

Climate change was one of our interesting debates this weekend. I have known people who have studied this kind of thing, so I don't claim to be any kind of expert...I don't know if it's been big in the US, but a major news story this week has been the latest report that the average temperature will climb by 4 degrees centigrade by the end of the century, and they are 90% sure that this change is caused by humans. Some of you may have read State of Fear by Michael Crichton, which is the popularized version of the theories against global warming (natural cyclic trends of the earth's climate versus human-made global warming), and some of you may have seen Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. I have not seen it myself, but apparently some head honcho of Marks and Sparks (Marks and Spencer dept store) did see it, and allegedly freaked out about it. The next day he gathered together his M&S think tank to make changes. Whether this is true or not, Marks and Sparks is now committed to cutting their CO2 emissions, and even putting labels on their products about the amount of CO2 required to make the product and get it to their stores, to help people make environmentally conscious decisions when shopping.

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